Hardware requirements for Vicidial 10.

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Hardware requirements for Vicidial 10.

Postby dv8inpp » Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:20 am

I'm looking at building a Vicidial cluster but am unable to find any current information about what type of hardware I would need to build a cluster capable of handling 2000 agents.

All the specs I have seen are based on old hardware.

I've used Elastix 2.5 and have had upto 250 agents on a single server.
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Re: Hardware requirements for Vicidial 10.

Postby GenXOutsourcing » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:43 pm

If you have read all the other posts, you would be better off to have separate clusters.

But again, you do not give enough details. Inbound? Outbound? Blended? AMD? Call Recording?

I am sure you read this post also

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Re: Hardware requirements for Vicidial 10.

Postby dv8inpp » Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:15 pm

Thanks for the reply, I read that article but I was hoping there might be some more upto date information using more modern hardware especially disk storage technologies.

I was recently looking again and found another PBX based on Vicidial (had the same screens) and they were saying that now you can get between 100-150 users per Dialler but still need a separate DB and possibly web server depending on agent count.
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Re: Hardware requirements for Vicidial 10.

Postby williamconley » Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:57 pm

dv8inpp wrote:Thanks for the reply, I read that article but I was hoping there might be some more upto date information using more modern hardware especially disk storage technologies.

I was recently looking again and found another PBX based on Vicidial (had the same screens) and they were saying that now you can get between 100-150 users per Dialler but still need a separate DB and possibly web server depending on agent count.

Beware those who use Vicidial under the hood but avoid using the name Vicidial. Often they will charge "per agent" or require that you use them as the carrier (with exhorbitant pricing) while claiming higher capacities. But in the end you don't really know the capacity because it's not your equipment, and the higher pricing means you just paid for them to use more equipment than they admitted.

If you are truly building a system with 2000+ outbound autodialing agents, you should honestly be talking to The Vicidial Group directly for a consultation. Or us at PoundTeam, of course, but WE don't own the software and have only built a several hundred systems ... The Vicidial Group has likely built well over 1000, and many of them in your size range.

That being said:

Vicidial is built on a concept that requires a SINGLE DB server to run the cluster. You may have a replication server which generates reports which avoids reporting putting a load on the running cluster.

We have a product the originating client dubbed the DeathStar which is a single Vicidial database that will push leads out to multiple Vicidial Clusters (as needed, every minute) so that Lists/Campaigns can be on multiple clusters simultaneously. It's still in Beta because it's only in use by a few clients. (Once working ... they don't want to change it at all.) Each has their own reporting system capable of recombining the reporting data for payroll and other purposes.
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