Vici Dial support for multiple customers?

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Vici Dial support for multiple customers?

Postby jdutt » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:18 pm

It would be nice if Vici Dialer could support our multiple customers for our one hosting asterisk pbx, where each of our customers would use the VICI Dialer and be able to do limited administration of his lists and campaigns, while staying completely separately and *invisible* to other customers. They would not be able to know about anyone else's Lists of Campaigns, while they are able to set up their own. The "root" administrator would be us, where we could overss everything and be able to administer all Lists, Campaigns, and Users.

Is this supported currently? We are using 1.1.12-3 BUILD: 60623-1159 . From the "?" pop-ups it looks like something like this may be supported in future via User Groups, but is not there right now. Any comment from dusers or developers of Vici Dialer?

Our trials so far as for a *single* customer scenario is working out well and we have it integrated with our a2billing software. Thanks and keep up the good work.
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Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:06 pm

Postby mflorell » Mon Sep 04, 2006 6:16 pm

in our one test of doing this over a year ago it does not work very well. The main problem is with resource allocation.

In our one trial of this we had two customers on a single setup each with about 5 agents. During the second week one of the clients decided to double their agents and turn their dialing upto 3.0 with recording ALLCALLS on.

This caused audio issues for both and recording quality issues for both. In the end we moved the offender to their own server and now for hosted clients we recommend just buying a $500 server to start a small client on so that these issues do not occur.

with multi-company installations the issues of shared administration is also a problem since there is no way from preventing one administrator from seeing another administrator's campaigns.

If each company has their own database on a single database server this portion can be easily overcome. Also, several companies can share a single web server if they have their own directories., But doing this requires a dedicated VICIDIAL/Asterisk server for each company.
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