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why Realtime Main Report display CALLS in total?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:52 pm
by Kristyan
why Realtime Main Report display CALLS in total? but others NOT

8600052 | INCALL M | 0:21 | TRAVSEM | 3548 |
8600051 | INCALL M | 0:04 | TRAVSEM | 5995 |
8600053 | PAUSED | 0:03 | TRAVSEM | 4186 |
8600054 | DISPO | 0:00 | TRAVSEM | 7358 |
8600058 | PAUSED | 0:01 | TRAVSEM | 166 |
8600057 | INCALL M | 1:07 | TRAVSEM | 31 |

Hi, please someone know this help me. I'm a bit confused about my realtime main report. From line 1-4, it shows total calls from the last day of their operations until today but in line 5-6 it display calls only today?

Any help is much appreciated. I'm running vicibox-express.
Server Description: Vicibox Single Installation
Asterisk Version: Asterisk built by abuild @ build23 on a i686 running Linux on 2013-08-07 00:20:13 UTC

Thank you!

Re: why Realtime Main Report display CALLS in total?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:27 pm
by mflorell
You need to confirm that your System Settings setting for Active Voicemail Server is set to a valid server on your cluster.

Re: why Realtime Main Report display CALLS in total?

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:37 pm
by Kristyan
any opinion pls?