Agent Callbacks issue report

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Agent Callbacks issue report

Postby webudo » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:35 pm

Hello guys. Just wanted to give you a report of an issue I found and the solution I applied (dunno where else to do it, so excuse me if this is not the place).

My agent console was not displaying callback list while running VERSION: 2.12-467c BUILD: 150725-1744
Did some broswer "inspect" and found that the vdc_db_query.php was returning something like this:
-!T--!T-1-!T-457-!T-81088-!T-TESTS-!T-LIVE-!T-2018-04-02 12:47:16-!T-2018-04-02 14:00:00-!T-cb comments-!T-1

Compared to previous version of agc and found that the way it returns is this:
~ ~34001900 ~5 ~192972 ~8100 ~ACTIVE ~2018-04-02 15:12:39 ~2018-04-02 15:20:00 ~asdfasdf ~1

So I went to the script and modified it to be: (line 15870)
$CBoutput = "$row[0] ~$row[1] ~$row[2] ~$callback_id[$loop_count] ~$lead_id[$loop_count] ~$campaign_id[$loop_count] ~"._QXZ("$status[$loop_count]")." ~$entry_time[$loop_count] ~$callback_time[$loop_count] ~$comments[$loop_count] ~$PHONEdialable";

It works now, so I guess you're changing the way it returns data, but the parser hasn't changed on the browser script side.
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Re: Agent Callbacks issue report

Postby mflorell » Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:12 pm

That version is pretty old, we would recommend upgrading your system to the most recent svn/trunk revision.
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