Notify agent of call through audio

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Notify agent of call through audio

Postby dreedy » Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:45 am

Hello, at present vicidial has a major issue with identifying the agents of what the call is in a timely manner. Vicidial's bring up a notification box that is delays by some time. and we experience that that sales people quickly hot key and move onto the next lead losing out on many leads from this.

Here is what i am thinking to send over to vicidial as a item to add to the dialer.

All of this is for manual dialing only. I don't think this would be beneficial for the auto dial

System settings.

1. toggle green notification box on/off

2. System actions
toggle option to act on SIP items. on/off
    IF SIP 486(busy --plays) hangup then goto dispo screen. agent will then dispo
    IF SIP 404(Disconnected -- plays) hangup then goto dispo screen. agent will then dispo
    IF FAS is detected ( plays message) hangup then goto dispo screen. agent will then dispo (this one is more of a wish list item) :)
    IF SIP 503 (Rejected -- plays) hangup then goto dispo screen. agent will then dispo
    IF SIP 603 (Denied -- plays) hangup then goto dispo screen. agent will then dispo

When SIP identifies

3. Audio store (stored for SIP Response)
    busy audio (US but can be upgraded to include other countries.
    disconnected audio (US but can be upgraded to include other countries.
    FAS detected audio (US but can be upgraded to include other countries.
    Rejected by carrier audio (US but can be upgraded to include other countries.
    Denied by User audio (US but can be upgraded to include other countries.

I think something like this plan would work and make Vicidial more productive for manual dial functionality. What does everyone think of this plan?
Last edited by dreedy on Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Notify agent of call through audio - proposal

Postby mflorell » Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:29 am

Have you ever tried the "SIP Event Actions" features we added back in 2019?
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Re: Notify agent of call through audio - proposal

Postby dreedy » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:21 am

I tried that for the FAS and it seems to detect the FAS but if you use the flag for hangup the agent screen locks and they can't pause or veiw the previous calls to see what number they were calling. same thing with the dispo as FAS feature flag.

That will only take care of the FAS.

I am looking to give the agent feedback inline with their calls. They rarely wait for the message box to pop up and that is if the message box comes up. I would like to eliminate that as it doesn't help with the speed of taking care of the call. The proposed way i have written out is the best way that i can think of to handle the issue. Do you have any better way to handle this ? Anyone have any input i welcome it as i would like it to help all of us and don't want it to no include other region/countries that might have specifics i am not aware of.

I see alot of people have read this but no one has given any thoughts. what does everyone think of my plan ?
1- mysql/apache Server (ViciBox 11) Dell R640
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Re: Notify agent of call through audio - proposal

Postby mflorell » Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:49 am

It's not a bad plan, but it wouldn't be simple to implement it with how complex the agent screen already is.
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Re: Notify agent of call through audio - proposal

Postby dreedy » Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:11 pm

I think i found a partial solution within the dialplan area of the carrier. I am still hammering this out but it looks really promising. The only thing i am thinking about is how to make the other part of the hangup and dispo componet work
1- mysql/apache Server (ViciBox 11) Dell R640
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Re: Notify agent of call through audio - proposal

Postby dreedy » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:59 am

1st Phase down. This looks to be working and identifying calls with an audio file inline of the call. I have only used items from the audio store and it is limited but several of the audio could use work to make it more clear to the agents making call but i am trying to make this universal at this time to see if we can improve this a piece at a time.

Global String


Updated Dialplan Entry :

exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNK5}/${EXTEN:1},,o)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($["${HANGUPCAUSE}"="17"]?486)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($["${HANGUPCAUSE}"="1"]?404)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($["${HANGUPCAUSE}"="34"]?503)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($["${HANGUPCAUSE}"="21"]?603)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,486,Playback(is-in-use)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,404,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,503,Playback(tt-weasels)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,603,Playback(number-not-answering)
exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX,n,Hangup()

For some reason I can not latch onto the SIP CODE that is posted on the call record so at this time i had to use HANGUPCAUSE. Ideally it would be better to identify calls by SIP CODES as this is the way all calls are handle i with VOIP. I so i hope to update this in the future to identify by SIP instead of HANGUPCAUSE.
1- mysql/apache Server (ViciBox 11) Dell R640
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