Deleted list hold in Trash

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Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby udy786 » Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:18 am

Hi All,
I am planing to create a new option on admin page. So please see below and share your idea, review and opinion.

Project description:-

Currently we have facility to delete any list from admin panel but when admin user deleting any list then in that case all leads of list deleted permanently. We are planing to created a option, when user will delete any list from admin panel then first will move that list in Trash. Any deleted list will stay in Trash for 7 days. After 7 days its will automatically deleted and user also can clean trash whenever he/she want to do. If user want to recover any deleted list within 7 days so he/she can recover list from trash and list will be again ready for dial. We can change time as per our requirement.

I did some studies to achieved this goal and planed to for same. If its already created by some one or we have facility in vicidial, please guide me get that..........

If you guys think this can really help vicidial users and good option then please share your idea and review.

I tried to explain this in short. If any one not getting my point then please let me know. I will try my best to brief you again in detail.

Please ignore my spelling and grammatical mistake.
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Re: Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby williamconley » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:45 pm

Sounds like a good feature. Be sure when you implement not to modify any existing Vicidial tables (don't add any fields) or there will be a collision with new fields created by The Vicidial Group and your system will no longer be upgradeable. That being said, you can create a new table with "_custom" added to the field name with a 1:1 relationship with any table to allow you to "add-on" without impacting the real table. Then your modifications to the admin screen will be simple to send in as DIFFs and you'll be able to share your add-on without risk of breaking anything in the process. Also, if it takes a while to get into the base, you'll be able to upgrade your system and re-modify your admin screens (with DIFFs) and no changes at all to the DB.

A good solution may be to allow any table marked as "inactive" to also be marked for deletion in a new option. Then if the table is still inactive and still marked for deletion XX days later, have a midnight script delete it. If it is ever "active" the delete flag should be removed automatically. Not a lot of code involved. :) Happy Hunting!
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Re: Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby udy786 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:06 am

Thank you Williamconley. I was travelling so today I saw your given post. Thanks for your feedback and all points that you included here. I will take care of points that you advised me. Thanks.....:) :) :)
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Re: Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby mav2287 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:52 pm

If you are going this route it may make sense to add an option that would ask if you would like to add the leads to an existing list. This way even though the list is gone the leads are not lost. I only mention it because you appear to be writing this to protect leads from deleting/ accidental deletion. For example if you had list 200 and list 201 when you deleted 201 it would ask you if you would like to add the leads to another list. If you told it to add them to 200 all your leads for 201 would be moved to that list and 201 would be deleted. This way you can keep leads even if you need to drop a list.

Also I have a script I wrote that may or may not help. It is a list that clears out the contents of a list but does not delete it. We use it to clear out the list nightly and then we reload our leads thus syncing the list data with our CRM. If you would like a copy of the code let me know.
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Re: Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:57 pm

mav2287 wrote:If you are going this route it may make sense to add an option that would ask if you would like to add the leads to an existing list. This way even though the list is gone the leads are not lost. I only mention it because you appear to be writing this to protect leads from deleting/ accidental deletion. For example if you had list 200 and list 201 when you deleted 201 it would ask you if you would like to add the leads to another list. If you told it to add them to 200 all your leads for 201 would be moved to that list and 201 would be deleted. This way you can keep leads even if you need to drop a list.

Also I have a script I wrote that may or may not help. It is a list that clears out the contents of a list but does not delete it. We use it to clear out the list nightly and then we reload our leads thus syncing the list data with our CRM. If you would like a copy of the code let me know.

There is already an option to move leads from one list to another.

I would, however, suggest that it may be appropriate to create a 2nd database and push these leads into it (outside "asterisk", no impact on performance even of the backup script) instead of deleting them. Then an outside-vicidial web page to allow restoration of a previously deleted list. :)
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Re: Deleted list hold in Trash

Postby geoff3dmg » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:09 am

I agree with this idea, vicidial_list in particular can get unwieldy after a while and being able to move lists and leads out of those tables rather than delete them is always preferable. I don't think a separate DB would be required though. In fact wouldn't it be best to have vicidial_list_archive and vicidial_lists_archive tables to stay consistent with the rest of the DB (I'm thinking of the log archiving for example).
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