Real-Time Main Report not showing agents from other servers

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Real-Time Main Report not showing agents from other servers

Postby SPAMSAM » Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:25 am

Good afternoon,

I have a single-server server (db, asterisk, apache) acting as the primary DB and I added a second asterisk/web server to the cluster.

Everything appears to be working fine. However, some of the online agents on the newly added server do not display on the Real-Time Main Report, while others do.

I already checked the GMTs for both servers ant the phones. they are the same. Asterisk versions also the same.

The agents can dial without issues, ratio dial also works fine. Server times also appear to be properly synced when looking at the main reports page.

Any ideas ion where to start looking or perhaps any links to existing threads?

VERSION: 2.14-869a
BUILD: 221021-1038
Bother servers on SVN 3651 (latest and greatest as of time of writing)
Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:00 am

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