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Display loadavg of all servers on the real-time screen

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:09 pm
by okli
Real-time campaign screen is a nice to watch, usually it's opened all day long here :)
Currently it displays load average on the web server, not that interesting. For other servers data is scattered on a few other pages.

I thought I'd be quite handy to display loadavg for all servers and maybe disk usage percentage and CPU idle % on the real-time screen. Loadavg could be even divided by the number of processors so it gives somehow realistic figure on the actual load. Add green/yellow/red colors and it would be even prettier.

Most of that data is already is gathered and present, just has to be properly formatted and displayed.

Has anyone thought in this direction? Do you guys think it would be useful?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:29 pm
by mflorell
Sounds like a good feature request. The load of the servers is already displayed on the main REPORTS page, but it would be nice to have it update automatically on the real-time report.

I would suggest opening up an Issue Tracker ticket for this, and possibly contribute code or consider sponsoring this feature.