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Call Scripting

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:16 am
by Trying
I would really like to see a call scripting tool in Vicidial......... something similar to digisoft. I have asked this in the Trixbox forum as well, but it possibly makes more sense to integrate this with a dialer. Many contact centres have no need for a full CRM like Sugar, but we require a complete scripting tool that will lead the agent through the conversation and take details as they go. It must have the following features:

1. Easily customizable fields for different campaigns
2. Integrated voice recording with a link to all recordings of calls made to that client within the call scripter.
3. Full dialing capabilities.
4. Ability to adjust call disposition instructions easily....... for instance, if the disposition is "sale" the record is sent to a queue for the Quality Assurance to look at the record entries and listen to all the calls for that record before it is being exported.
etc, etc.

Is there already something like this for Asterisk specifically?


Web Client

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:07 am
by Trying
Hi Matt

How eay will it be to add cutom fields to your webclient, like postal address, bank details, etc?


PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:45 am
by mflorell
This is usually done through the SCRIPT tab in an IFRAME or in the web form. Unfortunately adding fields to the main application is not very easy and a fully integrated solution to do so would take weeks of solid programming.