Custom automatic statuses in campaign

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Custom automatic statuses in campaign

Postby ZibiX » Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:54 am


I have this problem. My client is using recent version of Vicibox. His agents dials to Customers. When Customer agree to a meeting agent press sale button (custom sale1 - to be precise).

One day before the meeting one agent have to call to all customers (all sale1) to confirm the meeting.

I now that i should download the list, than make new list only of sale1 statuses and then import this list to new campaign (lets say confirm_campaign). But this is to much for my client (very old lady...).

The best way to do this simple is change list to another campaign and set in this campaign new status to call (sale1). And this is the problem:
- agent call to all sale1 one statuses. When customer confirm meeting the agent press custom status salec. And this is ok.
- problem occur when my client resets the list an system calls to all NA statuses (and it should call only within sale1 customers)

Is there a way to set in particularly campaign different statuses that system generates (for example standard NA to NA1, B to B1, ADC to ADC1...)?
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Re: Custom automatic statuses in campaign

Postby ivschakravarthi » Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:25 am

You can add customized statuses at Campaigns -> Statuses.
Once you are done with it Goto Campaings -> Add A Dial Status to Call .
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Re: Custom automatic statuses in campaign

Postby ZibiX » Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:33 pm

I know that I can add custom statuses. The question is about statuses that are generated by system. For example NA or DROP. Can I make my system to generate this statuses in one campaign as NA1 and DROP1?
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