Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login Pag

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Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login Pag

Postby ali.rehan » Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:43 pm

Hi ,

I have used the following ... _CentOS_7X
i have created an instance of centos 7 on Google cloud during intallation i recieved the following errors .

chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt’: No such file or directory

After installation i cannot reach the login Page .

I have checked the Asterisk its working but no login page for goautodial .
This site can’t be reached (error connection refused )

Iftop is also showing my public ip hits
Maria db and apache is also running
Kamailio is also running

I am just getting https://IP address (This site can’t be reached , Error connection refused )
Also pasted on Goautodial site but no replies for Days so typing here
Kindly Help ....
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Re: Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 21, 2019 1:11 am

you don't have a security certificate for the system to use ssl/https. or you don't have it in those two locations (key/cert pair).

you can either create a self-signed-certificate OR you can use certbot to create a real certificate. you could also look at reconfiguring to use http instead of https. this is an apache concept, unrelated to Vicidial or the installer (goautodial). I'm surprised the instructions for at least creating a self-signed-cert aren't included in the instructions. shocking.
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Re: Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login

Postby ali.rehan » Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:48 am

Thank You Very Much that solved the issue by creating a self signed cert .
Next Problem :
SoftPhones are not registering with public IP .
But My DID is registering

Kindly Help
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Re: Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:25 am

Background: vicidial runs on the asterisk PBX, so it's really asterisk awaiting the registration request, vicidial's only involvement is in writing the conf file that asterisk reads

asterisk doesn't like double nat (if server and client are both behind firewalls, bad things happen).

dids don't register. try that again.

if you are saying that you have Carriers that register (Vicidial's Admin->Carrier entry causes asterisk to register with the Telco using the Registration String value), that's normal since the carrier won't be using NAT, they'll have a public IP.

but when your soft phone at another location tries to register to your vicidial server, the soft phone hits UDP port 5060 at your Vicidial server's location. And your router does not forward port 5060 to your asterisk server.

So registration fails. You'll need to forward UDP port 5060 for registration. And UDP port Range 10000-25000 for the actual audio packets. After all: signalling "start a call" is useful, but being able to hear the agent is also quite nice.

Beware: Once you forward this, the server will be attacked if you aren't using a whitelisting system in linux. Blocking an IP after they guess incorrectly merely invites a rotating IP attack. Whitelist is the only way to go. IMHO

Happy Hunting 8-)
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Re: Installing goautodial centos 7 on google cloud (No Login

Postby ali.rehan » Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:38 am

i have fwd said ports on cloud instance also on my local router my provider sip accounts are registering but when i use my public ip in bria phone with the configured extension its not registering what am i missing also i have noticed Kamailio is not registering as well .
Kindly Help
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Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:58 pm

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