Pretty much the same reasoning behind "multiple small cost-effective" servers instead of "monster servers". There is still only ONE server and that means there is a bottleneck with front side bus which cannot be bypassed. Thus the advantage of the mutliple mini-servers is that each comes with another front side bus.
Of course, you can put in multiple drive controllers, which can greatly improve i/o throughput ... but not once you max your bus. Then the game is over.
And we, too, have observed multiple players in the virtual game ... and the Only useful results have been that of multi-tenants. If you can put 4 clients with 2 agents each (total 8 agents, 16 calls?) on a single Monster server .. and that monster server cost less than 4 mini-servers ... then you're doing well. But there is no guarantee that a virtual vici will hold more than one agent (stable) and that monster server could have easily held 25 agents before the virtual was invoked.
There are still those trying, though.