Vicidial expressbox - Default logins / passwords

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Vicidial expressbox - Default logins / passwords

Postby darryldale » Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:43 am

Ordered a pre-installed Vici Expressbox from

Didn't come with much in the way of passwords.

Can anybody tell me the default login / passwords for:

vicidial admin password
phpmyadmin root password

I managed to guess the O/S root password and change it (it was vicidial).


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Postby darryldale » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:20 am

Turns out that what I have is actually "Vicibox Redux 3.0.5".

Will do a search for default passwords now that I know exactly what I have.

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Postby darryldale » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:19 am

OK making progress.

O/S root password was the default of vicidial.
ViciDial admin login credentials were default of 6666 / 1234.

The last one I need to figure out is the default root password for the mySQL database. Is there a config file I can look at to see what that has been set to when I ordered the machine form

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Postby darryldale » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:36 am

OK, found a mySQL login / password in etc/astguiclient.conf

It would appear to be a user configured with limited access on certain schemas / tables.

Is there a default root password for the mySQL database when installing ViciBox Redux 3.0.5?

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Postby williamconley » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:54 pm

have you tried it without a password?
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Postby Kumba » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:30 pm

The default login/password for the ViciDial Admin web page is 6666/1234

The default root login for the machine is 'vicidial'.

The MySQL root password is blank, and MySQL is in it's unsecured state. This means you should be able to just type 'mysql' on the command line and get in.

If it's not those, then someone has already changed them, and you would have to look into doing a password recovery.
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Postby darryldale » Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:53 pm

Thanks for the info.

My mistake is I was trying to log into phpmyadmin with a user of root and a blank password and it was kicking back an error about blank passwords not being allowed so I assumed that "root" must have a password.

If I SSH into the server and type mysql it lets me in no problem.

Looks like I'm good to go.

Is there a tutorial for "locking down" a default installation of ViciBox Redux?

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Postby williamconley » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:23 pm

Tutorial? no.


run the script to change the "cron" password.

change the passwords for ALL the phones (both the login password and the "registration" password).

change the default phone password (so when new phones are created, they do not have "test" as the password!).

create a root mysql password.

change your SSH port to anything but 22! (exercise caution, don't lock yourself out!)

use IPtables to allow ONLY good IP addresses to access the system. (we have a system for this we've been testing and will be publishing shortly, because it seems to be working ... THANKS to KUMBA!! who saved us a lot of development with a quick experienced opinion!)
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