Custom Fields within the vicidial agent interface Started: 2010-05-06 This document outlines the features and design of the customized fields available in ViciDial. Started from this thread: Goal: To have a highly scalable, dynamic custom field creation system for use with ViciDial that would be tied to the list_id and could have up to 255 dynamically-defined fields. Development Stages: 1. Create admin interface to manage dynamic fields per list_id 2. Create display of custom fields within the ViciDial agent interface, including variables to be used in web forms and scripts 3. Add exporting of custom tables to list download feature as well as the calls export report 4. Create list loading interface to put leads into the vicidial_list table and the custom fields, includes reusable template definitions(field mapping pending) Limitations: - You could not dial leads sorted by any custom fields - Only one set of custom fields per list_id The new lead loader: The existing web-based PHP lead loader will be completely removed. In it's place will be a web front-end to upload lead files and trigger lead loading processes that will be run by the current CLI lead loader since it is more full-featured and much easier to maintain. There will be a template(field mapping) creation and modification tool that will allow you to map a field in a file to a specific database table and field. Database backend: The database elements of this featureset will consist of a definitions table(vicidial_lists_fields) that will define the custom fields for each vicidial list ID, a custom table that is created dynamically in the system using "custom_" + list_id (i.e.: custom_101) that will be created from the table definitions table. There will also be a field mapping table that you can use as a template to match up file fields with database fields when importing data into ViciDial. New settings will be added in the astguiclient.conf file for DB_custom_user and DB_custom_pass. These will be used to create and alter the custom_XXX tables. Admin changes: Added admin_lists_custom.php for these features to be administered. This will allow the viewing of custom fields as well as the copying of custom field definitions to lists with no custom fields. MySQL tables: ####### FOR REFERENCE ONLY, DO NOT USE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ######## GRANT ALTER,CREATE on asterisk.* TO custom@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'custom1234'; GRANT ALTER,CREATE on asterisk.* TO custom@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'custom1234'; ALTER TABLE system_settings ADD custom_fields_enabled ENUM('0','1') default '0'; ALTER TABLE vicidial_users ADD custom_fields_modify ENUM('0','1') default '0'; CREATE TABLE vicidial_lists_fields ( field_id INT(9) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, list_id BIGINT(14) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', field_label VARCHAR(50), field_name VARCHAR(1000), field_description VARCHAR(100), field_rank SMALLINT(5), field_help VARCHAR(1000), field_type ENUM('TEXT','AREA','SELECT','MULTI','RADIO','CHECKBOX','DATE','TIME') default 'TEXT', field_options VARCHAR(5000), field_size SMALLINT(5), field_max SMALLINT(5), field_default VARCHAR(255), field_cost SMALLINT(5), field_required ENUM('Y','N') default 'N', name_position ENUM('LEFT','TOP') default 'LEFT', multi_position ENUM('HORIZONTAL','VERTICAL') default 'HORIZONTAL', field_order SMALLINT(5) default '1' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listfield on vicidial_lists_fields (list_id, field_label); CREATE TABLE vicidial_lead_import_map ( map_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, map_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '', map_notes VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' ); CREATE TABLE vicidial_lead_import_map_fields ( map_id VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, file_field SMALLINT(5), db_field VARCHAR(100), field_functions VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', field_notes VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', index (map_id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mapdbfield on vicidial_lead_import_map_fields (map_id, file_field, db_field);