NON-AGENT API DOCUMENT Started: 2008-07-24 Updated: 2024-07-18 This document describes the functions of an API(Application Programming Interface) for all functions NOT directly relating to the VICIDIAL Agent screen. This functionality will be rather limited at first and will be built upon as critical functions are identified and programmed into it. There is also an Agent API script, for more information on that, please read the AGENT_API.txt document. NOTE: The API is able to use HTTPS if your webserver is configured to use HTTPS. For example, all VICIhost accounts are able to use HTTPS for API functions API functions: version - shows version and build of the API, along with the date/time sounds_list - outputs a list of audio files from the audio store moh_list - outputs a list of music on hold classes in the system vm_list - outputs a list of voicemail boxes in the system blind_monitor - calls user-defined phone and places them in session as blind monitor add_lead - adds a new lead to the vicidial_list table with several fields and options update_lead - updates lead information in vicidial_list and associated custom table batch_update_lead - updates multiple leads in vicidial_list with single set of field values (limited field options) agent_ingroup_info - shows in-group and outbound auto-dial info for logged-in agent recording_lookup - looks up recordings based upon user and date or lead_id did_log_export - exports all calls inbound to a DID for one day agent_stats_export - exports agent statistics for set time period add_user - adds a user to the system update_user - updates some user settings in the system copy_user - copies an existing user in the system to a new user ID and name add_phone - adds a phone to the system update_phone - updates or deletes an existing phone record in the system add_phone_alias - adds a phone alias record to the system update_phone_alias - updates or deletes an existing phone alias record in the system add_list - adds a list to the system update_list - updates list settings in the system, reset leads in list, delete list list_info - summary information about a list list_custom_fields - shows the custom fields that are in a list, or all lists add_group_alias - adds group alias to the system user_group_status - real-time status of one or more user groups in_group_status - real-time status of one or more in groups agent_status - real-time status of one user callid_info - information about a call based upon the caller_code or call ID lead_field_info - pulls the value of one field of a lead lead_callback_info - outputs scheduled callback data for a specific lead lead_all_info - outputs all lead data for a lead(optionally including custom fields) lead_status_search - displays all field values of all leads that match the status and call date in request lead_search - searches for leads in the vicidial_list table by phone numbers ccc_lead_info - outputs lead data for cross-cluster-communication call server_refresh - forces a conf file refresh on all telco servers in the cluster check_phone_number - allows you to check if a phone number is valid and dialable logged_in_agents - list of agents that are logged in to the system update_campaign - updates campaign settings in the system add_did - adds new Inbound DID entries to the system update_did - updates Inbound DID information in the system phone_number_log - exports list of calls placed to one of more phone numbers call_status_stats - report on number of calls made by campaign and ingroup, with hourly and status breakdowns call_dispo_report - call disposition breakdown report agent_campaigns - looks up allowed campaigns/in-groups for a specific user update_cid_group_entry - updates CID Group entries add_dnc_phone - adds a phone number to one of the DNC lists delete_dnc_phone - removes a phone number from one of the DNC lists add_fpg_phone - adds a phone number to a Filter Phone Group delete_fpg_phone - removes a phone number from a Filter Phone Group campaigns_list - displays information about all campaigns in the system hopper_list - displays information about leads in the hopper for a campaign update_alt_url - updates/adds/displays alternate dispo call url entries for a campaign update_presets - updates/adds/displays/deletes campaign preset entries lead_dearchive - moves a lead from the archive to active leads table update_remote_agent - updates some remote agent settings in the system New scripts: /vicidial/non_agent_api.php - the script that is accessed to execute commands Changes: 80724-1723 - First build 90428-0208 - Added blind_monitor function 90513-1720 - Added sounds_list function 90721-1432 - Added rank and owner 90904-1535 - Added moh_list musiconhold function 90916-2342 - Added vm_list voicemail list 91203-1140 - Added agent_ingroup_info feature 91216-0331 - Added duplication check features to add_lead function 100118-0543 - Added new Australian and New Zealand DST schemes (FSO-FSA and LSS-FSA) 100704-1148 - Added custom fields inserts to the add_lead function 100718-0245 - Added update_lead function to update existing leads 100723-1333 - Added no_update option to the update_lead function 100728-1952 - Added delete_lead option to the update_lead function 100924-1403 - Added called_count as an update_lead option 101111-1536 - Added vicidial_hopper.source to vicidial_hopper inserts 101117-1104 - Added callback and custom field entry delete to delete_lead option 101206-2126 - Added recording_lookup and did_log_export functions 110127-2245 - Added add_user and add_phone functions 110306-1044 - Added add_list and update_list functions 110316-2035 - Added reset_time variable and NAMEPHONE dup search 110404-1356 - Added uniqueid search parameter to recording_lookup function 110409-0822 - Added run_time logging of API functions 110424-0854 - Added option for time zone code lookups using owner field in add_lead function 110529-1220 - Added time zone information output to version function 110614-0726 - Added reset_lead option to update_lead function(issue #502) 110705-1928 - Added options for USACAN 4th digit prefix(no 0 or 1) and valid areacode filtering to add_lead 110821-2318 - Added update_phone, add_phone_alias, update_phone_alias functions 110928-2110 - Added callback options to add_lead and update_lead 111106-0959 - Added user_group restrictions to some functions 120127-1331 - Small fix for plus replacement in custom fields strings for add/update_lead functions 120210-1215 - Small change for hopper adding vendor_lead_code 120213-1613 - Added optional logging of all non-admin.php requests, enabled in options.php 120326-1307 - Added agent_stats_export function 120810-0859 - Added add_group_alias function, altered agent_stats_export function 120912-2042 - Added user_group_status and in_group_status functions 120913-1255 - Added update_log_entry function 121116-1938 - Added state call time restrictions to add_lead hopper insert function 121125-2210 - Added Other Campaign DNC option and list expiration date option 130328-0949 - Added update_phone_number option to update_lead function 130405-1538 - Added agent_status function 130420-1938 - Added NANPA prefix validation and timezone options 130614-0907 - Added pause code to output of agent_status function 130617-2232 - Added real-time sub-statuses to output of agent_status function 140124-1057 - Added callid_info function 140206-1205 - Added update_user function 140211-1056 - Added server_refresh function 140214-1540 - Added check_phone_number function 140331-2119 - Converted division calculations to use MathZDC function 140403-2024 - Added camp_rg_only option to update_user function 140418-1553 - Added preview_lead_id for agent_status 140617-2029 - Added vicidial_users wrapup_seconds_override option 140812-0939 - Added phone_number and vendor_lead_code to agent_status function output 150123-1611 - Fixed issue with list local call times and add_lead 150217-1404 - archive deleted callbacks to vicidial_callbacks_archive table 150309-0250 - Added ability to use urlencoded web form addresses 150313-0818 - Allow for single quotes in vicidial_list and custom data fields 150428-1720 - Added web_form_address_three to add_list/update_list functions 150430-0644 - Added API allowed function restrictions and allowed list restrictions 150512-2028 - Added filtering of hash sign on some input variables, Issue #851 150603-1528 - Fixed format issue in recording_lookup 150730-2022 - Added option to set entry_list_id 150804-0948 - Added WHISPER option for blind_monitor function 150808-1438 - Added compatibility for custom fields data option 151226-0954 - Added session_id(conf_exten) field to output of agent_status, and added logged_in_agents function 160603-1041 - Added update_campaign function 160709-2219 - Added lead_field_info function 161020-1042 - Added lookup_state option to add_lead, added 10-digit validation if usacan_areacode_check enabled 170204-0947 - Added phone_number_log function 170209-1149 - Added URL and IP logging 170219-1520 - Added 90-day duplicate check option 170223-0743 - Added QXZ translation to admin web user functions text 170301-1649 - Added validation that sounds web dir exists to sounds_list function 170409-1603 - Added IP List validation code 170423-0800 - Added force_entry_list_id option for update_lead 170508-1048 - Added blind_monitor logging 170527-2254 - Fix for rare inbound logging issue #1017 170601-0747 - Added add_to_hopper options to update_lead function 170609-1107 - Added ccc_lead_info function 170615-0006 - Added DIAL status for manual dial agent calls that have not been answered, to 4 functions 171229-1602 - Added lead_status_search function 180109-1313 - Added call_status_stats function 180208-1655 - Added call_dispo_report function 180331-1716 - Added options to update_campaign, add_user, update_phone. Added function update_did 180916-1059 - Added check for daily list reset limit 181214-1606 - Added lead_callback_info function 190325-1055 - Added agent_campaigns function 190628-1504 - Added update_cid_group_entry function 190703-0858 - Added custom_fields_copy option to add_list function 190930-1629 - Added list_description field to add_list and update_list functions 191107-1143 - Added list_info function 191113-1758 - Added add_dnc_phone and add_fpg_phone functions 191114-1637 - Added remove_from_hopper option to update_lead function 200331-1207 - Added list_custom_fields function 200418-0837 - Added custom_copy_method option for the add_list function 200606-0938 - Added more settings to add_list & update_list 200610-1447 - Added duration option to recording_lookup function 200622-1609 - Added more options to add_phone and update_phone functions 200815-1025 - Added campaigns_list & hopper_list functions 200824-2330 - Added search_method BLOCK option for hopper_list function 201002-1545 - Added extension as recording_lookup option, Allowed for secure sounds_web_server setting 201106-1654 - Added campaign_id option to agent_stats_export function 201113-0713 - Added delete_did option to update_did function 201201-1625 - Added group_by_campaign option to agent_stats_export function 210113-1714 - Added copy_user function 210209-2014 - Added add_did function 210210-1627 - Added duplicate check with more X-day options for add_lead function 210216-1415 - Added list_exists_check option for add_lead function 210217-1454 - Added menu_id option for add_did and update_did functions 210227-1116 - Added xferconf number options to update_campaign, add_list & update_list functions 210303-1802 - Added list_exists_check option for update_lead function 210316-2207 - Added lead_all_info function 210319-1720 - Added special 'xDAYS' value option for callback_datetime 210320-2127 - Added 'custom_fields_add' option for update_list function 210322-1218 - Added display of bad wav file formats on sounds_list function 210325-2042 - Added more data output fields to agent_stats_export function 210330-1633 - Added ability to use custom_fields_copy on update_list on a deleted list_id 210401-1058 - Added 'custom_fields_update' option for update_list function 210402-1102 - Added 'custom_fields_delete' option for update_list function 210406-1047 - Added 'dialable_count' option to list_info function 210517-1850 - Added phone_code as modifiable field in update_lead function 210611-1610 - Added more variables for add_did/update_did functions 210618-1000 - Added CORS support 210625-1421 - Added BARGESWAP option to blind_monitor function 210701-2050 - Added ingroup_rank/ingroup_grade options to the update_user function 210812-2640 - Added update of live agent records for ingroup_rank/ingroup_grade in the update_user function 210917-1615 - Added batch_update_lead function 211107-1556 - Added optional phone_number search for lead_all_info function 211118-1946 - Added 'delete_cf_data' setting to the update_lead function 220126-2116 - Added dispo_call_url and alt URL options for update_campaign. Added 'update_alt_url' function 220307-0937 - Added 'update_presets' function 220310-0825 - Added DELETE action to the 'update_presets' function 220902-0823 - Added dial_status_add/dial_status_remove options to update_campaign function 220920-0814 - Added more "XDAY" options to add_lead duplicate checks 221108-1849 - Added include_ip option for agent_status function 230122-1821 - Added reset_password option to update_user function 230308-1758 - Fix for update_lead list-restrict phone number update issue 230614-0828 - Added container_list function 230721-1753 - Added insert for daily RT monitoring 231109-0933 - Added archived_lead option to multiple functions 231109-2022 - Added lead_dearchive function 240101-0920 - Added DUPPHONEALT... options for duplicate_check within add_lead function 240105-1009 - Added delete_fpg_phone function 240120-0840 - Added list_order,list_order_randomize,list_order_secondary optional fields to update_campaign function 240217-0907 - Added more missing vicidial_users fields from copy function 240302-0804 - Added delete_dnc_phone function 240703-1657 - Added update_remote_agent function 240718-0942 - Fixes for inconsistencies in documentation and permissions for some functions 240718-1716 - Added fields to campaigns_list function output API Functions use the 'function' variable NOTE: Just as with the Agent API, the non-agent API requires the user and pass of a valid api-enabled vicidial_users account to execute actions. Example response if user permissions do not allow the function attempted: ERROR: auth USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS FUNCTION - 6666|add_lead -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- version - shows version and build of the API, along with the date/time and timezone Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?function=version Example responses: VERSION: 2.4-34|BUILD: 110424-0854|DATE: 2011-05-29 12:19:22|EPOCH: 1306685962|DST: 1|TZ: -5|TZNOW: -4| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sounds_list - outputs a list of audio files from the audio store NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher OPTIONAL FIELDS- format - format of the output(tab, link, selectframe) stage - how to sort the output(date, size, name) comments - name of the field to populate Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=sounds_list&format=selectframe&comments=fieldname&stage=date Example responses: ERROR: sounds_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW SOUNDS LIST ERROR: audio store web directory does not exist: |6666|sounds_list|/srv/www/htdocs/1234| ERROR: sounds_list CENTRAL SOUND CONTROL IS NOT ACTIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- moh_list - outputs a list of music on hold classes in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher OPTIONAL FIELDS- format - format of the output(only 'selectframe' works) comments - name of the field to populate Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=moh_list&format=selectframe&comments=fieldname&stage=date Example responses: ERROR: moh_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW SOUNDS LIST ERROR: moh_list CENTRAL SOUND CONTROL IS NOT ACTIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vm_list - outputs a list of voicemail boxes in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher OPTIONAL FIELDS- format - format of the output(only 'selectframe' works) comments - name of the field to populate Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=vm_list&format=selectframe&comments=fieldname&stage=date Example responses: ERROR: vm_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW VOICEMAIL BOXES LIST ERROR: vm_list CENTRAL SOUND CONTROL IS NOT ACTIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blind_monitor - calls user-defined phone and places them in session as blind monitor NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_login - alpha-numeric, no spaces or special characters allowed session_id - must be all numbers, 7 digits server_ip - must be all numbers and dots, max 15 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) stage - MONITOR, BARGE(or BARGESWAP) or HIJACK, default is MONITOR (HIJACK option is not currently functional) Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=blind_monitor&phone_login=350a&session_id=8600051&server_ip= Example responses: SUCCESS: blind_monitor HAS BEEN LAUNCHED - 350a|010*010*010*017*350|8600051 ERROR: blind_monitor INVALID PHONE LOGIN - 350q ERROR: blind_monitor INVALID SESSION ID - 8602051 ERROR: blind_monitor USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO BLIND MONITOR - 6666|0 ERROR: NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- agent_ingroup_info - shows in-group and outbound auto-dial info for logged-in agent NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - info(show information only), change(show options to change), text(standard non-HTML output) Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=agent_ingroup_info&stage=change&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000 Example responses: ERROR: agent_ingroup_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET AGENT INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: agent_ingroup_info INVALID USER ID - 1255|6666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- agent_campaigns - looks up allowed campaigns/in-groups for a specific user NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "view reports" and "modify users" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) OPTIONAL FIELDS- campaign_id - 2-8 characters ignore_agentdirect - Y or N, default is N. Exclude AGENTDIRECT in-groups from results or not SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=agent_campaigns&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=agent_campaigns&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&ignore_agentdirect=Y&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000&stage=csv Example responses: ERROR: agent_campaigns USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET AGENT INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: agent_campaigns INVALID USER ID - 1255|6666 ERROR: agent_campaigns AGENT USER DOES NOT EXIST - 1000|6666 ERROR: agent_campaigns THIS AGENT USER HAS NO AVAILABLE CAMPAIGNS - 1000|6666 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: user|allowed_campaigns_list|allowed_ingroups_list 1000|TESTCAMP-TEST123-TEST987|TEST_IN-TEST_IN2-TEST_IN3-TEST_IN4-SALESLINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- campaigns_list - displays information about all campaigns in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) OPTIONAL FIELDS- campaign_id - 2-8 characters, for all campaigns, leave blank SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=campaigns_list&user=6666&pass=1234 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=campaigns_list&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&user=6666&pass=1234&stage=csv Example responses: ERROR: campaigns_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET CAMPAIGN INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: campaigns_list THIS USER HAS NO VIEWABLE CAMPAIGNS - 6666 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: campaign_id|campaign_name|active|user_group|dial_method|dial_level|lead_order|dial_statuses|dial_timeout|dial_prefix|manual_dial_prefix|three_way_dial_prefix TESTCAMP|Test Campaign|Y|---ALL---|INBOUND_MAN|1|DOWN|PDROP DROP B NEW|65|9|9|9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hopper_list - displays information about leads in the hopper for a campaign NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) campaign_id - 2-8 characters SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header OPTIONAL FIELDS- search_method - for faster but blocking SQL queries that may affect database performance, set this to BLOCK Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=hopper_list&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&user=6666&pass=1234&stage=csv Example responses: ERROR: hopper_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET CAMPAIGN INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: hopper_list THIS CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|TESTCAMP ERROR: hopper_list THERE ARE NO LEADS IN THE HOPPER FOR THIS CAMPAIGN - 6666|TESTCAMP A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: hopper_order,priority,lead_id,list_id,phone_number,phone_code,state,status,count,gmt_offset,rank,alt,hopper_source,vendor_lead_code,source_id,age_days,last_call_time 0,0,796292,107,9999001095,1,NY,PDROP,7,-4.00,0,,S,1001095,A321,2681,1 YEARS 1,0,796295,107,9999001098,1,NY,PDROP,2,-4.00,0,,S,1001098,A322,2681,3 YEARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recording_lookup - looks up recordings based upon user and date or lead_id NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled SEARCH FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters lead_id - 1-10 digits date - date of the calls to pull (must be in YYYY-MM-DD format) uniqueid - uniqueid of the call, works best included with another search field extension - 3-100 characters, the extension listed in the recording_log SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header duration - Y or N, default is N. Includes the duration of the recording in the output(in seconds), before the location NOTES- There is a hard limit of 100000 results Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=recording_lookup&stage=pipe&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000&date=2010-12-03 Example responses: ERROR: recording_lookup USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET RECORDING INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: recording_lookup INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|1000||2010-12-03| ERROR: recording_lookup NO RECORDINGS FOUND - 1255|6666||2010-12-03| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: start_time|user|recording_id|lead_id|location 2010-12-03 12:00:01|1000|534820|876409|http://server/path/to/recording/20101203_120000_1234567890_1000-all.wav If 'duration' is enabled, this will be the format used: start_time|user|recording_id|lead_id|duration|location 2010-12-03 12:00:01|1000|534820|876409|63|http://server/path/to/recording/20101203_120000_1234567890_1000-all.wav -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- did_log_export - exports all calls inbound to a DID for one day NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 2-20 characters, the DID that you want to pull logs for date - date of the calls to pull (must be in YYYY-MM-DD format) SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header NOTES- There is a hard limit of 100000 results Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=did_log_export&stage=pipe&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=3125551212&date=2010-12-03 Example responses: ERROR: did_log_export USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET DID INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: did_log_export INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|3125551212|2010-12-03 ERROR: did_log_export NO RECORDS FOUND - 1255|3125551212|2010-12-03 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: did_number|call_date|caller_id_number|length_in_sec 3125551212|2010-12-03 12:00:01|7275551212|123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- phone_number_log - exports list of calls placed to one of more phone numbers NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - the phone number(s) that you want to pull logs for. allows more than one, separated by commas SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header detail - (ALL) calls or only (LAST) call. default is (ALL) type - (IN)inbound, (OUT)outbound or (ALL) calls. defauls is (OUT) calls archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads details, default is N. NOTES- There is a hard limit of 100000 results The 'phone_number' field is not indexed by default. If you plan to use this function you may want to have your system admin add indexes on that field in the vicidial_log and vicidial_closer_log tables. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=phone_number_log&stage=pipe&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=3125551212,9998887112 Example responses: ERROR: phone_number_log USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET CALL LOG INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: phone_number_log NO VALID PHONE NUMBERS DEFINED - 6666|312|2010-12-03 ERROR: phone_number_log NO RECORDS FOUND - 1255|3125551212|2010-12-03 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: phone_number|call_date|list_id|length_in_sec|lead_status|hangup_reason|call_status|source_id|user 9998887112|2017-01-06 08:11:01|82106|25|TD|AGENT|SALE|mail098|6666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- agent_stats_export - exports agent activity statistics NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) datetime_start - start date/time of the agent activity to pull (must be in "YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS" format) datetime_end - end date/time of the agent activity to pull (must be in "YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS" format) SETTINGS FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters, use only for one agent stats campaign_id - 2-8 characters, use only for one campaign stats stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header time_format - time format('H','HF','M','S') in hours, minutes or seconds: H = 1:23:45, M = 83:45, S = 5023 (default 'HF') * HF will force hour format even for zero seconds time "0:00:00" group_by_campaign - divide and output the agent results grouped by campaign(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is 'NO' NOTES- There is a hard limit of 10000000 records analyzed Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=agent_stats_export&time_format=M&stage=pipe&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=6666&datetime_start=2012-08-09+00:00:00&datetime_end=2012-08-10+23:59:59 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?DB=0&stage=pipe&user=6666&pass=1234&source=test&function=agent_stats_export&datetime_start=2012-03-26+00:00:00&datetime_end=2012-03-26+23:59:59&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: agent_stats_export USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET AGENT INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: agent_stats_export INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666||2010-12-03 00:00:00|2010-12-03 00:00:01| ERROR: agent_stats_export NO RECORDS FOUND - 1255||2010-12-03 00:00:00|2010-12-03 00:00:01| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: user|full_name|user_group|calls|login_time|total_talk_time|avg_talk_time|avg_wait_time|pct_of_queue|pause_time|sessions|avg_session|pauses|avg_pause_time|pause_pct|pauses_per_session|wait_time|talk_time|dispo_time|dead_time 1029|test agent|ADMIN|1|0:01:52|0:00:16|0:00:16|0:00:18|16.7%|54|3|0:00:37|5|0:00:11|48.2%|2|0:00:32|0:07:54|0:01:22|0:00:00 6666|Admin user|ADMIN|16|0:34:31|0:07:54|0:00:00|0:00:07|100%|1411|13|0:02:39|42|0:00:34|68.1%|3|0:01:44|0:07:54|0:01:22|0:00:00 * if the 'group_by_campaign' option is enabled, the format above will have 'campaign_id' as the first column, and each agent's activity will be divided on separate lines by the campaigns they were logged into during the requested time period. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user_group_status - real-time status of one or more user groups NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) user_groups - pipe-delimited list of user groups to get status information for "ADMIN|AGENTS" SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header NOTES- There is a hard limit of 10000000 records analyzed Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=user_group_status&user_groups=ADMIN|AGENT&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: user_group_status USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET USER GROUP INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: user_group_status INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: usergroups|calls_waiting|agents_logged_in|agents_in_calls|agents_waiting|agents_paused|agents_in_dead_calls|agents_in_dispo|agents_in_dial ADMIN AGENT|0|1|0|1|0|0|0|0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in_group_status - real-time status of one or more in groups NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) in_groups - pipe-delimited list of inbound groups to get status information for "SALESLINE|SUPPORT" SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header NOTES- There is a hard limit of 10000000 records analyzed Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&stage=csv&function=in_group_status&in_groups=SALESLINE|SUPPORT&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: in_group_status USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET IN-GROUP INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: in_group_status INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: ingroups,total_calls,calls_waiting,agents_logged_in,agents_in_calls,agents_waiting,agents_paused,agents_in_dispo,agents_in_dial SALESLINE SUPPORT,31,0,75,54,0,20,1,0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- agent_status - real-time status of one agent user NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) agent_user - 2-20 characters, use only for one agent status SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header include_ip - include computer_ip field(YES) or not(NO), the last ip address that the agent used to log in to the agent screen Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=agent_status&agent_user=1234&stage=csv&header=YES&include_ip=YES Example responses: ERROR: agent_status USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET AGENT INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: agent_status INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: agent_status AGENT NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: agent_status AGENT NOT LOGGED IN - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: status,call_id,lead_id,campaign_id,calls_today,full_name,user_group,user_level,pause_code,real_time_sub_status,phone_number,vendor_lead_code,session_id,computer_ip INCALL,M4050908070000012345,12345,TESTCAMP,1,Test Agent,AGENTS,3,LOGIN,,7275551212,123456,8600051, INCALL|M4181606420000000104|104|TESTBLND|1|Admin|ADMIN|9|BRK2|DEAD|3125551212|123457|8600051, PAUSED||105|TESTBLND|1|Admin|ADMIN|9||PREVIEW|9545551212|123458|8600052, NOTE: real_time_sub_status field can consist of: DEAD, DISPO, 3-WAY, PARK, RING, PREVIEW, DIAL or it can be empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- callid_info - information about a call based upon the caller_code or call ID NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) call_id - 16-40 characters SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header detail - if set to YES, more call info will be output. Default is NO, only callid and customer talk time will be output Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=callid_info&call_id=M4050908070000012345&stage=csv&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: callid_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET CALL INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: callid_info INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: callid_info CALL NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: callid_info CALL LOG NOT FOUND - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: call_id,custtime M4050908070000012345,725 Setting "detail=YES" will result in the following output: call_id,custtime,call_date,campaign_id,list_id,status,user,phone M4050908070000012345,725,2014-01-24 09:26:09,TESTCAMP,999,A,6666,3125551212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_field_info - pulls the value of one field of a lead NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "modify leads" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) lead_id - 1-10 digits field_name - name of lead field to pull OPTIONAL FIELDS- custom_fields - Y or N, default is N. If the field you want to pull is a custom field or not list_id - override for the entry_list_id of a custom field archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads details, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_field_info&field_name=cc_value&lead_id=1139739&custom_fields=Y&list_id=999888999777 Example responses: ERROR: lead_field_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_field_info INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: lead_field_info LIST NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: lead_field_info LEAD NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: lead_field_info LEAD FIELD NOT FOUND - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the value of the field: 1234567890 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_all_info - outputs all lead data for a lead(optionally including custom fields) NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled and modify_leads set to 1-5 REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) lead_id - 1-10 digits OPTIONAL FIELDS- phone_number - 6-19 digits, can be used in place of a lead_id(may return multiple records, up to 1000, most recently added lead first) custom_fields - Y or N, default is N. If the field you want to pull is a custom field or not force_entry_list_id - 3-12 digits, will override the lead's assigned entry_list_id to look for custom fields data for this lead from a different list archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads details, default is N. SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, newline, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_all_info&lead_id=1079425 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_all_info&phone_number=3125551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_all_info&lead_id=1079425&header=YES&custom_fields=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_all_info&lead_id=1079425&header=YES&custom_fields=Y&force_entry_list_id=999880 Example responses: ERROR: lead_all_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_all_info LIST NOT FOUND - 6666||| ERROR: lead_all_info LEAD NOT FOUND - 6666||| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: status|user|vendor_lead_code|source_id|list_id|gmt_offset_now|phone_code|phone_number|title|first_name|middle_initial|last_name|address1|address2|address3|city|state|province|postal_code|country_code|gender|date_of_birth|alt_phone|email|security_phrase|comments|called_count|last_local_call_time|rank|owner|entry_list_id|lead_id TD|6666|554443||501|-4.00|1|9998887112|Mr|Billy'Oj|U|O'Reillyo|ad1|ad2|ad3|city next|FL|U|33777||U|0000-00-00|bobo'brien|||2017-06-01 18:38:41|79|2017-06-09 14:53:27|0|4646|0|98234789 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_status_search - displays all field values of all leads that match the status and call date in request NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "modify leads" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) status - status of leads to be pulled date - called date of the leads to pull (must be in YYYY-MM-DD format) NOTE: both inbound and outbound call logs are searched, no more than 2000 responses are displayed OPTIONAL FIELDS- lead_id - 1-10 digits, only used if status and date are empty custom_fields - Y or N, default is N. Display custom fields values or not list_id - override for the entry_list_id of a custom field archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads search and details, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_status_search&status=NP&date=2017-12-29&custom_fields=Y Example responses: ERROR: lead_status_search USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_status_search INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666||| ERROR: lead_status_search NO RESULTS FOUND - 6666||| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will print the values of all lead fields, one per line, with leads beginning with ";---------- START OF RECORD 1 ----------": ;---------- START OF RECORD 1 ---------- lead_id => 823602 status => TD user => 6666 vendor_lead_code => 1028405 source_id => I list_id => 107 gmt_offset_now => -5.00 phone_code => 1 phone_number => 9999028405 ... test_custom_field => new value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_search - searches for leads in the vicidial_list table by phone numbers NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled and modify_leads set to 1-5 REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 6-19 digits(multiple separated by a comma ',', for example: 3125551212,9055551212,4075551212) source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- records - number of records to display in results if more than 1 found (defaults to '1000'[most recently inserted leads displayed first]) archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads search and details, default is N. SETTINGS FIELDS- header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header NOTES- - If no results are found for any of the searched phone numbers, then an error will be displayed - If there are any matches found, every phone number searched for will have one line in the output, detailed below - If more than 1 matching lead is found for a phone number, then the matching lead_ids will be separated by a dash '-' Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_search&phone_number=9998885112,9998887112,9998886112,4075551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_search&phone_number=9998885112,9055551212,9998886112,4075551212&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: lead_search USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO SEARCH FOR LEADS - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_search NO VALID SEARCH METHOD - |||| ERROR: lead_search NO MATCHES FOUND IN THE SYSTEM - |||| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: search_key|records_found|lead_ids 9998885112|4|1949076-1946517-1943958-1941399 9998887112|8|1946941-1946940-1946939-1946875-1946805-1946656-1946655-1944382 9998886112|1|1946891 4075551212|0| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc_lead_info - outputs lead data for cross-cluster-communication call NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) call_id - 16-40 characters SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, newline, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=ccc_lead_info&call_id=M4050908070000012345&stage=csv&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: ccc_lead_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: ccc_lead_info INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: ccc_lead_info CALL NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: ccc_lead_info LEAD NOT FOUND - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: status|user|vendor_lead_code|source_id|list_id|gmt_offset_now|phone_code|phone_number|title|first_name|middle_initial|last_name|address1|address2|address3|city|state|province|postal_code|country_code|gender|date_of_birth|alt_phone|email|security_phrase|comments|called_count|last_local_call_time|rank|owner TD|6666|554443||501|-4.00|1|9998887112|Mr|Billy'Oj|U|O'Reillyo|ad1|ad2|ad3|city next|FL|U|33777||U|0000-00-00|bobo'brien|||2017-06-01 18:38:41|79|2017-06-09 14:53:27|0|4646 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_callback_info - outputs scheduled callback data for a specific lead NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) lead_id - 16-40 characters SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, newline, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header search_location - Where to check for scheduled callback records in the system, can select only one(default is CURRENT): CURRENT - check for active scheduled callbacks ARCHIVE - check for archived scheduled callbacks ALL - check for both active and archived scheduled callbacks Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_callback_info&lead_id=12345&stage=pipe&header=YES&search_location=ALL http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_callback_info&lead_id=846446&search_location=ALL&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: lead_callback_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_callback_info INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: lead_callback_info LEAD NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: lead_callback_info CALLBACK NOT FOUND - 6666|| A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format(The most recent callback entry will be at the bottom of the results): lead_id|callback_type|recipient|callback_status|lead_status|callback_date|entry_date|user|list_id|campaign_id|user_group|customer_timezone|customer_time|comments 846446|ARCHIVE|USERONLY|INACTIVE|CBTEST|2018-09-01 15:00:00|2018-08-27 01:06:45|6666|107|TESTCAMP|ADMIN|AUS-ACST-N-Northern Territory Time Zone|2018-08-27 00:00:00| 846446|ARCHIVE|USERONLY|INACTIVE|CBTEST|2018-12-14 14:00:00|2018-12-14 16:42:32|6666|107|TESTCAMP|ADMIN||2018-12-14 14:00:00|Call back after lunch 846446|CURRENT|USERONLY|INACTIVE|CBTEST|2018-12-14 19:00:00|2018-12-14 16:44:08|6666|107|TESTCAMP|ADMIN||2018-12-14 19:00:00|Call back after dinner 846446|CURRENT|USERONLY|ACTIVE|CBLEAD|2018-12-17 10:00:00|2018-12-14 16:50:56|6666|107|TESTCAMP|ADMIN|USA-EST-Y-Eastern US Time Zone|2018-12-17 10:00:00|try back Monday morning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lead_dearchive - moves a lead from the archive to active leads table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify leads" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) lead_id - 16-40 characters Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=lead_dearchive&lead_id=274071 Example responses: ERROR: lead_dearchive USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO MODIFY LEAD INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: lead_dearchive INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: lead_dearchive LEAD INSERT FAILED - 6666|| ERROR: lead_dearchive NON-ARCHIVED LEAD FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: lead_dearchive ARCHIVED LEAD NOT FOUND - 6666|| SUCCESS: lead_dearchive LEAD DE-ARCHIVED - 6666|274071|1|1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_log_entry - updates the status of a vicidial_log or vicidial_closer_log entry NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify leads" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) call_id - either the uniqueid or the 20-character ID of the call group - either a campaign_id or an in-group group_id status - the new status for the log record to be set to NOTES- There is a hard limit of 10000000 records analyzed Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_log_entry&group=SALESLINE&call_id=Y2010309520000000234&status=SALEX Example responses: ERROR: update_log_entry USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE LOGS - 6666|0 ERROR: update_log_entry INVALID SEARCH PARAMETERS - 6666|| ERROR: update_log_entry GROUP NOT FOUND - 6666|| ERROR: update_log_entry NO RECORDS FOUND - 6666|||| ERROR: update_log_entry NO RECORDS UPDATED - 6666|TESTCAMP|M9131554060000426264|SALEX|SALEX|1347566056.399 SUCCESS: update_log_entry RECORD HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|6666|TESTCAMP|M9131554060000426264|SALEX|WN|1347566056.399| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_lead - adds a new lead to the vicidial_list table with several fields and options NOTE: api user for this function must have modify_leads set to 1 and user_level must be set to 8 or higher REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - must be all numbers, 6-16 digits phone_code - must be all numbers, 1-4 digits, defaults to 1 if not set list_id - must be all numbers, 3-12 digits, defaults to 999 if not set source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- dnc_check - Y, N or AREACODE, default is N campaign_dnc_check - Y, N or AREACODE, default is N campaign_id - 2-8 Character campaign ID, required if using campaign_dnc_check or callbacks add_to_hopper - Y or N, default is N hopper_priority - 99 to -99, the higher number the higher priority, default is 0 hopper_local_call_time_check - Y or N, default is N. Validate the local call time and/or state call time before inserting lead in the hopper duplicate_check - Check for duplicate records in the system, can select more than one (duplicate_check=DUPLIST-DUPTITLEALTPHONELIST) If duplicate is found, will return error, the duplicate data and lead_id and list_id of existing record Here are the duplicate_check options: DUPLIST - check for duplicate phone_number in same list DUPCAMP - check for duplicate phone_number in all lists for this list's campaign DUPSYS - check for duplicate phone_number in entire system DUPPHONEALTLIST - check for duplicate phone against phone_number and alt_phone in same list DUPPHONEALTCAMP - check for duplicate phone against phone_number and alt_phone in all lists for this list's campaign DUPPHONEALTSYS - check for duplicate phone against phone_number and alt_phone in entire system DUPTITLEALTPHONELIST - check for duplicate title and alt_phone in same list DUPTITLEALTPHONECAMP - check for duplicate title and alt_phone in all lists for this list's campaign DUPTITLEALTPHONESYS - check for duplicate title and alt_phone in entire system DUPNAMEPHONELIST - check for duplicate first_name, last_name and phone_number in same list DUPNAMEPHONECAMP - check for duplicate first_name, last_name and phone_number in all lists for this list's campaign DUPNAMEPHONESYS - check for duplicate first_name, last_name and phone_number in entire system " 1/2/3/7/14/15/21/28/30/60/90/180/360DAY - Added to one of the above duplicate checks(i.e. "DUPSYS90DAY"), only checks leads loaded in last 90 days usacan_prefix_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid 4th digit for USA and Canada phone numbers (cannot be 0 or 1) usacan_areacode_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid areacode for USA and Canada phone numbers(also checks for 10-digit length) nanpa_ac_prefix_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid NANPA areacode and prefix, if optional NANPA data is on the system custom_fields - Y or N, default is N. Defines whether the API will accept custom field data when inserting leads into the vicidial_list table For custom fields to be inserted, just add the field label as a variable to the URL string For example, if the field_label is "favorite_color" you would add "&favorite_color=blue" tz_method - , POSTAL, TZCODE or NANPA, default is which will use the country code and areacode for time zone lookups POSTAL relies on the postal_code field TZCODE relies on the owner field being populated with a proper time zone code NANPA relies on the optional NANPA areacode prefix data being loaded on your system callback - Y or N, default is N. Set this lead as a scheduled callback. campaign_id field is REQUIRED for callbacks callback_status - 1-6 Character, callback status to use, default is CALLBK (vicidial_list status will be set to CBHOLD to lock) callback_datetime - YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS, date and time of scheduled callback. REQUIRED if callback is set. 'NOW' can be used for current datetime. 'xDAYS' can also be used where 'x' is replaced with a number of days in the future callback_type - USERONLY or ANYONE, default is ANYONE callback_user - User ID the USERONLY callback is assigned to callback_comments - Optional comments to appear when the callback is called back lookup_state - Y or N, default is N. Looks up state field from areacode list. Only works if the 'state' field is not populated. list_exists_check - Y or N, default is N. If the list_id is not a defined list in the system, it will ERROR and not insert the lead. (for fields with spaces in the values, you can replace the space with a plus + sign[address, city, first_name, etc...]) OPTIONAL FIELDS- vendor_lead_code - 1-20 characters source_id - 1-50 characters gmt_offset_now - overridden by auto-lookup of phone_code and area_code portion of phone number if applicable title - 1-4 characters first_name - 1-30 characters middle_initial - 1 character last_name - 1-30 characters address1 - 1-100 characters address2 - 1-100 characters address3 - 1-100 characters city - 1-50 characters state - 2 characters province - 1-50 characters postal_code - 1-10 characters country_code - 3 characters gender - U, M, F (Undefined, Male, Female) - defaults to 'U' date_of_birth - YYYY-MM-DD alt_phone - 1-12 characters email - 1-70 characters security_phrase - 1-100 characters comments - 1-255 characters multi_alt_phones - 5-1024 characters (see examples for more info) rank - 1-5 digits owner - 1-20 characters (user ID, Territory or user group) entry_list_id - WARNING! ONLY USE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, CAN BREAK CUSTOM FIELDS! (must be all numbers, 3-12 digits, will not work if custom_fields is set to Y) Multi-ALT-Phones format: 7275551212_1_work!7275551213_1_sister+house!1234567890_1_neighbor The multi-alt-phones field is formatted as a field of phone-number/phone-code/phone-note set of data(phone code and alt_note are both optional and the phone code can be overridden by the force phone code flag). The record delimiter is an exclamation point with the optional phone code and note delimited within the record by an underscore character _. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551111 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551212&phone_code=1&list_id=999&dnc_check=N&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551111&phone_code=1&list_id=999&dnc_check=N&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&add_to_hopper=Y&hopper_local_call_time_check=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551111&phone_code=1&list_id=999&dnc_check=N&campaign_dnc_check=Y&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&address1=1234+Main+St.&city=Chicago+Heights&state=IL&add_to_hopper=Y&hopper_local_call_time_check=Y&multi_alt_phones=7275551212_1_work!7275551213_1_sister+house!1234567890_1_neighbor http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551212&phone_code=1&list_id=999&dnc_check=N&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&duplicate_check=DUPPHONEALTLIST-DUPNAMEPHONELIST http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551212&phone_code=1&list_id=999&custom_fields=Y&favorite_color=blue http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_lead&phone_number=7275551111&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&callback=Y&callback_status=CALLBK&callback_datetime=NOW&callback_type=USERONLY&callback_user=6666&callback_comments=Comments+go+here Example responses: (The "data" values for a successful add_lead request are: phone_number, list_id, lead_id, gmt_offset_now) SUCCESS: add_lead LEAD HAS BEEN ADDED - 7275551111|6666|999|193715|-4 NOTICE: add_lead ADDED TO HOPPER - 7275551111|6666|193715|1677922 SUCCESS: add_lead LEAD HAS BEEN ADDED - 7275551111|6666|999|193716|-4 NOTICE: add_lead CUSTOM FIELDS VALUES ADDED - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: add_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT ADDED, CUSTOM FIELDS DISABLED - 7275551111|Y|0 NOTICE: add_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT ADDED, NO CUSTOM FIELDS DEFINED FOR THIS LIST - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: add_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT ADDED, NO FIELDS DEFINED - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: add_lead MULTI-ALT-PHONE NUMBERS LOADED - 3|6666|193716 NOTICE: add_lead NOT ADDED TO HOPPER, OUTSIDE OF LOCAL TIME - 7275551111|6666|193716|-4|0 NOTICE: add_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK ADDED - 1234|2011-09-29 12:00:01|TESTCAMP|6666|USERONLY|CALLBK NOTICE: add_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK NOT ADDED, USER NOT VALID - 1234|TESTCAMP|6| NOTICE: add_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK NOT ADDED, CAMPAIGN NOT VALID - 1234|XYZ NOTICE: add_lead NANPA options disabled, NANPA prefix data not loaded - 0|6666 ERROR: add_lead INVALID PHONE NUMBER LENGTH - 72755|6666 ERROR: add_lead INVALID PHONE NUMBER PREFIX - 72755|6666 ERROR: add_lead INVALID PHONE NUMBER AREACODE - 72755|6666 ERROR: add_lead INVALID PHONE NUMBER NANPA AREACODE PREFIX - 7275551212|6666 ERROR: add_lead USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD LEADS TO THE SYSTEM - 6666|0 ERROR: add_lead NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID - 7275551212|98762 ERROR: add_lead NOT A DEFINED LIST ID, LIST EXISTS CHECK ENABLED - 7275551212|12344 ERROR: NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN LIST - 7275551111|101|8765444 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN CAMPAIGN LISTS - 7275551111|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN SYSTEM - 7275551111|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN LIST - 7275551111|101|8765444|PHONE ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN CAMPAIGN LISTS - 7275551111|101|8765444|101|ALT ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE PHONE NUMBER IN SYSTEM - 7275551111|101|8765444|101|PHONE ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE TITLE ALT_PHONE IN LIST - 1234|7275551111|101|8765444 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE TITLE ALT_PHONE IN CAMPAIGN LISTS - 1234|7275551111|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE TITLE ALT_PHONE IN SYSTEM - 1234|7275551111|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE NAME PHONE IN LIST - Bob|Smith|7275551113|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE NAME PHONE IN CAMPAIGN LISTS - Bob|Smith|7275551113|101|8765444|101 ERROR: add_lead DUPLICATE NAME PHONE IN SYSTEM - Bob|Smith|7275551113|101|8765444|101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_lead - updates lead information in the vicidial_list and custom_ tables NOTE: api user for this function must have modify_leads set to 1 and user_level must be set to 8 or higher REQUIRED FIELDS- lead_id - must be all numbers, 1-9 digits, not required if using vendor_lead_code or phone_number vendor_lead_code - can be used instead of lead_id to match leads phone_number - can be used instead of lead_id or vendor_lead_code to match leads source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- search_method - You can combine the following 3 options in this field to search the parameters you desire: LEAD_ID, will attempt to find a match with the lead_id VENDOR_LEAD_CODE, will attempt to find a match with the vendor_lead_code PHONE_NUMBER, will attempt to find a match with the phone_number For example to search lead_id and vendor_lead_code: "&search_method=LEAD_ID_VENDOR_LEAD_CODE" The search order is NOT preserved, Lead ID is always first, Vendor Lead Code is second and Phone number is last. Default is "LEAD_ID" search_location - Where to check for records in the system, can select only one(default is SYSTEM): LIST - check for lead in same list CAMPAIGN - check for lead in all lists for this list's campaign SYSTEM - check for lead in entire system If no list_id is defined, the the search_location will be assumed as SYSTEM insert_if_not_found - Y or N, will attempt to insert as a NEW lead if no match is found, default is N. Insertion will require phone_code, phone_number and list_id. lead_id will be ignored. Most of the add_lead options that are not available if you use this setting in this function records - number of records to update if more than 1 found (defaults to '1'[most recently loaded lead]) custom_fields - Y or N, default is N. Defines whether the API will accept custom field data when updating leads in the vicidial_list table For custom fields to be updated, just add the field label as a variable to the URL string For example, if the field_label is "favorite_color" you would add "&favorite_color=blue" no_update - Y or N, Setting this to Y will not perform any updates, but will instead only tell you if a lead exists that matches the search criteria, default is N. delete_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete the lead from the vicidial_list table, default is N. delete_cf_data - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete the custom fields data for this lead and reset the entry_list_id, default is N. reset_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will reset the called-since-last-reset flag of the lead, default is N. callback - Y, N or REMOVE, default is N. Set this lead as a scheduled callback. REMOVE will delete the scheduled callback entry callback_status - 1-6 Character, callback status to use, default is CALLBK (vicidial_list status will be set to CBHOLD to lock) callback_datetime - YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS, date and time of scheduled callback. REQUIRED if callback is set. 'NOW' can be used for current datetime. 'xDAYS' can also be used where 'x' is replaced with a number of days in the future callback_type - USERONLY or ANYONE, default is ANYONE callback_user - User ID the USERONLY callback is assigned to callback_comments - Optional comments to appear when the callback is called back update_phone_number - Y or N, Optional setting to update the phone_number field, default is N. add_to_hopper - Y or N, default is N remove_from_hopper - Y or N, default is N hopper_priority - 99 to -99, the higher number the higher priority, default is 0 hopper_local_call_time_check - Y or N, default is N. Validate the local call time and/or state call time before inserting lead in the hopper list_exists_check - Y or N, default is N. If the list_id_field is not a defined list in the system, it will ERROR and not update the lead. archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads search, updates and details, default is N. EDITABLE FIELDS- user_field - 1-20 characters, this updates the 'user' field in the vicidial_list table list_id_field - 3-12 digits, this updates the 'list_id' field in the vicidial_list table status - 1-6 characters, not punctuation or spaces vendor_lead_code - 1-20 characters source_id - 1-50 characters gmt_offset_now - overridden by auto-lookup of phone_code and area_code portion of phone number if applicable title - 1-4 characters first_name - 1-30 characters middle_initial - 1 character last_name - 1-30 characters address1 - 1-100 characters address2 - 1-100 characters address3 - 1-100 characters city - 1-50 characters state - 2 characters province - 1-50 characters postal_code - 1-10 characters country_code - 3 characters gender - U, M, F (Undefined, Male, Female) - defaults to 'U' date_of_birth - YYYY-MM-DD alt_phone - 1-12 characters email - 1-70 characters security_phrase - 1-100 characters comments - 1-255 characters rank - 1-5 digits owner - 1-20 characters (user ID, Territory or user group) called_count - digits only, the number of attempts dialing the lead phone_code - digits only, can be 1-4 digits entry_list_id - WARNING! ONLY USE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, CAN BREAK CUSTOM FIELDS! (must be all numbers, 3-12 digits, will not work if custom_fields is set to Y) force_entry_list_id - WARNING! ONLY USE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, CAN BREAK CUSTOM FIELDS! (must be all numbers, 3-12 digits, will override entry_list_id to this value in all custom fields queries executed by this command) NOTES: - in order to set a field to empty('') set it equal to --BLANK--, i.e. "&province=--BLANK--" - please use no special characters like apostrophes, double-quotes or amphersands Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=27&last_name=SMITH http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&search_method=VENDOR_LEAD_CODE&vendor_lead_code=1000019&last_name=JOHNSON http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&search_method=PHONE_NUMBER&records=2&list_id=8107&search_location=LIST&phone_number=9999000019&last_name=WILSON http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=405794&last_name=SMITH&city=Chicago&custom_fields=Y&favorite_color=blue http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&search_location=LIST&search_method=PHONE_NUMBER&insert_if_not_found=Y&phone_number=9999000029&phone_code=1&list_id=999&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&city=Chicago&custom_fields=Y&favorite_color=red http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&insert_if_not_found=Y&search_method=VENDOR_LEAD_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER&vendor_lead_code=89763545&phone_number=7275551212&phone_code=1&list_id=999&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&custom_fields=Y&favorite_color=blue http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&search_location=LIST&search_method=VENDOR_LEAD_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER&insert_if_not_found=Y&phone_number=9999000029&phone_code=1&list_id=999&first_name=Bob&last_name=Wilson&city=Chicago&custom_fields=Y&favorite_color=red&user_field=1008&list_id_field=107&status=OLD http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=27&no_update=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=27&delete_lead=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=27&delete_lead=Y&custom_fields=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=27&delete_cf_data=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&lead_id=406757&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&callback=Y&callback_status=CALLBK&callback_datetime=NOW&callback_type=USERONLY&callback_user=1028&callback_comments=Comments+go+here+again http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_lead&search_location=SYSTEM&search_method=PHONE_NUMBER&phone_number=9998887112&no_update=Y&add_to_hopper=Y&hopper_priority=99&hopper_local_call_time_check=Y Example responses: SUCCESS: update_lead LEAD HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|193716 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS VALUES UPDATED - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT UPDATED, CUSTOM FIELDS DISABLED - 7275551111|Y|0 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT UPDATED, NO CUSTOM FIELDS DEFINED FOR THIS LIST - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS NOT UPDATED, NO FIELDS DEFINED - 7275551111|1234|101 NOTICE: update_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK UPDATED - 1234|2011-09-29 12:00:01|TESTCAMP|6666|USERONLY|CALLBK NOTICE: update_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK NOT UPDATED, NO FIELDS SPECIFIED - 1234| NOTICE: update_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK ADDED - 1234|2011-09-29 12:00:01|TESTCAMP|6666|USERONLY|CALLBK NOTICE: update_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK NOT ADDED, USER NOT VALID - 1234|TESTCAMP|6| NOTICE: update_lead SCHEDULED CALLBACK NOT ADDED, CAMPAIGN NOT VALID - 1234|XYZ NOTICE: update_lead NO MATCHES FOUND IN THE SYSTEM - 6666|4567|897654327|7275551212 SUCCESS: update_lead LEAD HAS BEEN ADDED - 7275551111|6666|999|193716|-4 SUCCESS: update_lead LEAD HAS BEEN DELETED - 7275551111|6666|999|193716|-4 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS ENTRY DELETED 1 - 7275551111|6666|999|193716|-4 NOTICE: update_lead CUSTOM FIELDS DATA HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|193716|1|1 NOTICE: update_lead LEADS FOUND IN THE SYSTEM: |6666|1010542|12345678901234|9998887112|3333444|0 (user|lead_id|vendorleadcode|phone |list_id|entry_list_id) NOTICE: update_lead ADDED TO HOPPER - 7275551111|6666|193715|1677922 NOTICE: update_lead NOT ADDED TO HOPPER - 7275551111|6666|193715|1677922 NOTICE: update_lead NOT ADDED TO HOPPER, OUTSIDE OF LOCAL TIME - 7275551111|193715|-5|0|6666 NOTICE: update_lead NOT ADDED TO HOPPER, LEAD NOT FOUND - 7275551111|193715|6666 NOTICE: update_lead NOT ADDED TO HOPPER, LEAD IS ALREADY IN THE HOPPER - 7275551111|193715|6666 NOTICE: update_lead REMOVED FROM HOPPER - 7275551111|193715|READY|6666 NOTICE: update_lead NOT REMOVED FROM HOPPER - 7275551111|193715|DNC|6666 NOTICE: update_lead NOT REMOVED FROM HOPPER, LEAD IS NOT IN THE HOPPER - 7275551111|193715|6666 ERROR: update_lead INVALID DATA FOR LEAD INSERTION - 6666||| ERROR: update_lead NO MATCHES FOUND IN THE SYSTEM - 6666||| ERROR: update_lead NO VALID SEARCH METHOD - 6666|SYSTEM||| ERROR: update_lead NOT A DEFINED LIST ID, LIST EXISTS CHECK ENABLED - 6666|139 ERROR: update_lead USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE LEADS IN THE SYSTEM - 6666|0 ERROR: update_lead NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID, SEARCH - 7275551212|98762 ERROR: update_lead NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID, RESULTS - 7275551212|98762 ERROR: update_lead NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID, INSERT - 7275551212|98762 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- batch_update_lead - updates multiple leads in vicidial_list with single set of field values (limited field options) NOTE: api user for this function must have modify_leads set to 1 and user_level must be set to 8 or higher NOTE: This function will first find which leads exist and then update them all at once. As such, there will not be admin log entries associated with each individual lead modified REQUIRED FIELDS- lead_ids - must be all numbers and commas, 1-9 digit numbers separate by a comma source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- list_exists_check - Y or N, default is N. If the list_id_field is not a defined list in the system, it will ERROR and not update the leads. reset_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will reset the called-since-last-reset flag of the lead, default is N. records - maximum number of records to update (defaults to '100'[most recently created leads]) archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads search, updates and details, default is N. EDITABLE FIELDS- user_field - 1-20 characters, this updates the 'user' field in the vicidial_list table list_id_field - 3-12 digits, this updates the 'list_id' field in the vicidial_list table status - 1-6 characters, not punctuation or spaces vendor_lead_code - 1-20 characters source_id - 1-50 characters gmt_offset_now - overridden by auto-lookup of phone_code and area_code portion of phone number if applicable title - 1-4 characters first_name - 1-30 characters middle_initial - 1 character last_name - 1-30 characters address1 - 1-100 characters address2 - 1-100 characters address3 - 1-100 characters city - 1-50 characters state - 2 characters province - 1-50 characters postal_code - 1-10 characters country_code - 3 characters gender - U, M, F (Undefined, Male, Female) - defaults to 'U' date_of_birth - YYYY-MM-DD alt_phone - 1-12 characters email - 1-70 characters security_phrase - 1-100 characters comments - 1-255 characters rank - 1-5 digits owner - 1-20 characters (user ID, Territory or user group) called_count - digits only, the number of attempts dialing the lead phone_code - digits only, can be 1-4 digits Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=batch_update_lead&lead_ids=2345,2346&list_id_field=138 Example responses: SUCCESS: batch_update_lead LEADS HAVE BEEN UPDATED - 6666|2|2345,2346 ERROR: batch_update_lead USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE LEADS IN THE SYSTEM - 6666|0| ERROR: batch_update_lead NO LEADS DEFINED - 6666| ERROR: batch_update_lead NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID - 6666|138 ERROR: batch_update_lead NOT A DEFINED LIST ID, LIST EXISTS CHECK ENABLED - 6666|138 ERROR: batch_update_lead NO LEADS FOUND - 6666|0|2345,2346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_user - adds a user to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify users" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters (for auto-generated send 'AUTOGENERATED') agent_pass - 1-20 characters agent_user_level - 1 through 9, one digit only agent_full_name - 1-50 characters agent_user_group - 1-20 characters, must be a valid user group OPTIONAL FIELDS- phone_login - 1-20 characters phone_pass - 1-20 characters hotkeys_active - 0 or 1 voicemail_id - 1-10 digits email - 1-100 characters custom_one - 1-100 characters custom_two - 1-100 characters custom_three - 1-100 characters custom_four - 1-100 characters custom_five - 1-100 characters wrapup_seconds_override - number from -1 to 9999 agent_choose_ingroups - 0 or 1, default 1 agent_choose_blended - 0 or 1, default 1 closer_default_blended - 0 or 1, default 0 in_groups - pipe-delimited list of inbound groups to make selected for the user "SALESLINE|SUPPORT" NOTE: This function does not work with Vtiger integration Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000&agent_pass=9999&agent_user_level=1&agent_full_name=Testing+Person&agent_user_group=AGENTS http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000&agent_pass=9999&agent_user_level=1&agent_full_name=Testing+Person&agent_user_group=AGENTS&phone_login=100&phone_pass=test&hotkeys_active=1&voicemail_id=&custom_one=jjjj&custom_two=yyyy&custom_three=kkk&custom_four=wwww&custom_five=hhhh Example responses: ERROR: add_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD USERS - 6666|0 ERROR: add_user YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1000|||| ERROR: add_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD USERS IN THIS USER LEVEL - 6666|8 ERROR: add_user USER GROUP DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|ADFHR ERROR: add_user USER ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|6666 SUCCESS: add_user USER HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|1000|1234|8|Testing+Person|AGENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_user - copies an existing user in the system to a new user ID and name NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify users" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters (for auto-generated send 'AUTOGENERATED') agent_pass - 1-20 characters agent_full_name - 1-50 characters source_user - 2-20 characters (must be an existing user ID in the system) NOTE: This function does not work with Vtiger integration Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=copy_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=1000&agent_pass=9999&source_user=5555&agent_full_name=Copy+Person Example responses: ERROR: copy_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO COPY USERS - 6666|0 ERROR: copy_user YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1000|5555||| ERROR: copy_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO COPY USERS IN THIS USER LEVEL - 9|8 ERROR: copy_user SOURCE USER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|5555 ERROR: copy_user USER GROUP DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|ADFHR ERROR: copy_user USER ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|6666 SUCCESS: copy_user USER HAS BEEN COPIED - 6666|1000|1234|Testing+Person|5555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_user - updates or deletes a user entry already in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify user" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters OPTIONAL FIELDS- agent_pass - 1-20 characters agent_user_level - 1 through 9, one digit only agent_full_name - 1-50 characters agent_user_group - 1-20 characters, must be a valid user group phone_login - 1-20 characters phone_pass - 1-20 characters hotkeys_active - 0 or 1 voicemail_id - 1-10 digits email - 1-100 characters custom_one - 1-100 characters custom_two - 1-100 characters custom_three - 1-100 characters custom_four - 1-100 characters custom_five - 1-100 characters active - 'Y' or 'N' wrapup_seconds_override - number from -1 to 9999 campaign_rank - from -9 to 9, this will change the campaign rank for this user on all campaigns campaign_grade - from 1 to 10, this will change the campaign grade for this user on all campaigns ingroup_rank - from -9 to 9, this will change the in-group rank for this user on all in-groups ingroup_grade - from 1 to 10, this will change the in-group grade for this user on all in-groups camp_rg_only - 0 or 1, this will set only one campaign rank/grade for this user, requires campaign_id to be set campaign_id - only required for use with camp_rg_only ingrp_rg_only - 0 or 1, this will set only one inbound group rank/grade for this user, requires group_id to be set group_id - only required for use with ingrp_rg_only reset_password - 0 or 8+ digits, this will reset the user's password to a random password of this length and email the new password to the user NOTE: the 'email' field is required if the user's current email is not a valid email address Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&agent_pass=9876 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&agent_user_level=3 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&agent_full_name=Testing&hotkeys_active=1&active=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&campaign_rank=3&campaign_grade=4 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&ingroup_rank=3&ingroup_grade=4&ingrp_rg_only=1&group_id=TEST_IN http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_user&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&reset_password=12& Example responses: ERROR: update_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE USERS - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE USERS - 6666|7878 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|| ERROR: update_user USER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|78789 ERROR: update_user USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE THIS USER - 6666|7878 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID FULL NAME, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID USER LEVEL, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0|9|1 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID USER GROUP, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|FAKEGROUP|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID PHONE LOGIN, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|fakephone|0|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID PHONE PASSWORD, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID HOTKEYS SETTING, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|2 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID VOICEMAIL ID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID EMAIL, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CUSTOM ONE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CUSTOM TWO, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CUSTOM THREE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CUSTOM FOUR, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CUSTOM FIVE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666 ERROR: update_user wrapup_seconds_override MUST BE A VALID DIGIT BETWEEN -1 AND 9999, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|-2 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CAMPAIGN RANK, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID CAMPAIGN GRADE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID IN-GROUP RANK, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user YOU MUST USE A VALID IN-GROUP GRADE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_user NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666|0 NOTICE: update_user USER CAMPAIGN RANKS/GRADES HAVE BEEN UPDATED - 6666|9|10|TESTCAMP|1 NOTICE: update_user USER IN-GROUP RANKS/GRADES HAVE BEEN UPDATED - 6666|9|10|TEST_IN|1 NOTICE: update_user USER PASSWORD RESET FAILED: NO VALID EMAIL PROVIDED - 6666|email@doman NOTICE: update_user USER PASSWORD RESET FAILED: EMAIL FAILURE - 6666||email-error NOTICE: update_user update_user USER PASSWORD HAS BEEN RESET - 6666| SUCCESS: update_user USER HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|7878 SUCCESS: update_user USER HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|7878 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_remote_agent - updates remote agent entry in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify remote agents" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- agent_user - 2-20 characters OPTIONAL FIELDS- status - 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE' only campaign_id - 1-8 characters, must be a valid Campaign ID number_of_lines - 1-20 digits Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_remote_agent&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&number_of_lines=1&campaign_id=TESTCAMP http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_remote_agent&user=6666&pass=1234&agent_user=2424&status=INACTIVE Example responses: ERROR: update_remote_agent USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE REMOTE AGENTS - 6666|0 ERROR: update_remote_agent YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|| ERROR: update_remote_agent REMOTE AGENT DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|78789 ERROR: update_remote_agent USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE THIS REMOTE AGENT - 6666 ERROR: update_remote_agent YOU MUST USE A VALID NUMBER OF LINES, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_remote_agent YOU MUST USE A VALID CAMPAIGN ID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TEST|0 ERROR: update_remote_agent STATUS MUST BE ACTIVE OR INACTIVE, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|Y ERROR: update_remote_agent NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666|0 NOTICE: update_remote_agent REMOTE AGENT IS ALREADY ACTIVE - 6666|7878 NOTICE: update_remote_agent REMOTE AGENT IS ALREADY INACTIVE - 6666|7878 SUCCESS: update_remote_agent USER HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|7878 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_group_alias - adds group alias to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- caller_id_number - 6-20 characters OPTIONAL FIELDS- group_alias_id - 3-30 characters, no spaces or punctuation allowed, if not defined, caller_id_number is used group_alias_name - 3-50 characters, if not defined, caller_id_number is used caller_id_name - 6-20 characters, if not defined '' is default active - 'Y' or 'N', if not defined 'Y' is default admin_user_group - a valid user group or '---ALL---' is used as default Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_group_alias&user=6666&pass=1234&caller_id_number=7275551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_group_alias&user=6666&pass=1234&caller_id_number=7275551212&group_alias_id=test_group_alias&group_alias_name=test+group+alias Example responses: ERROR: add_group_alias USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD GROUP ALIASES - 6666|0 ERROR: add_group_alias YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||1000 ERROR: add_group_alias GROUP ALIAS ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|7275551212 SUCCESS: add_group_alias GROUP ALIAS HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|7275551212|test_group_alias|test group alias -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_dnc_phone - adds phone number to a DNC list in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 6-20 characters campaign_id - 2-30 characters, should be a valid campaign ID or "SYSTEM_INTERNAL" for the internal DNC list Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_dnc_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&campaign_id=TESTCAMP http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_dnc_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&campaign_id=SYSTEM_INTERNAL Example responses: ERROR: add_dnc_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD DNC NUMBERS - 6666|0 ERROR: add_dnc_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||1000 ERROR: add_dnc_phone DNC NUMBER ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|7275551212 SUCCESS: add_dnc_phone DNC NUMBER HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|7275551212|TESTCAMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete_dnc_phone - removes phone number from a DNC list in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled and "Delete From DNC Lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 6-20 characters campaign_id - 2-30 characters, should be a valid campaign ID or "SYSTEM_INTERNAL" for the internal DNC list Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=delete_dnc_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&campaign_id=TESTCAMP http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=delete_dnc_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&campaign_id=SYSTEM_INTERNAL Example responses: ERROR: delete_dnc_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE DNC NUMBERS - 6666|0 ERROR: delete_dnc_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||1000 ERROR: delete_dnc_phone DNC NUMBER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|7275551212 SUCCESS: delete_dnc_phone DNC NUMBER HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|7275551212|TESTCAMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_fpg_phone - adds phone number to a Filter Phone Group in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 6-20 characters group - 2-30 characters, should be a valid Filter Phone Group ID in the system Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_fpg_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&group=TEST_IN_FILTER Example responses: ERROR: add_fpg_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBERS - 6666|0 ERROR: add_fpg_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||1000 ERROR: add_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|TEST_IN_FILTER2 ERROR: add_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBER ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|7275551212|TEST_IN_FILTER SUCCESS: add_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBER HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|7275551212|TEST_IN_FILTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete_fpg_phone - removes phone number from a Filter Phone Group in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - 6-20 characters group - 2-30 characters, should be a valid Filter Phone Group ID in the system Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=delete_fpg_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&phone_number=7275551212&group=TEST_IN_FILTER Example responses: ERROR: delete_fpg_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBERS - 6666|0 ERROR: delete_fpg_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||1000 ERROR: delete_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|TEST_IN_FILTER2 ERROR: delete_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|7275551212|TEST_IN_FILTER SUCCESS: delete_fpg_phone FILTER PHONE GROUP NUMBER HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|7275551212|TEST_IN_FILTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_phone - adds a phone to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- extension - 2-100 characters dialplan_number - 1-20 digits voicemail_id - 1-10 digits phone_login - 1-20 characters phone_pass - 1-20 characters server_ip - 7-15 characters, must be a valid server_ip protocol - Must be one of these: 'IAX2','SIP','Zap','EXTERNAL' registration_password - 1-20 characters phone_full_name - 1-50 characters local_gmt - timezone setting, not adjusting for DST, default: '-5.00' outbound_cid - 1-20 digits OPTIONAL FIELDS- phone_context - a phone context, default is 'default' email - 1-100 characters admin_user_group - a valid user group or '---ALL---' is_webphone - Y, N or Y_API_LAUNCH: whether this phone should be treated as a webphone, default is N. webphone_auto_answer - Y or N: whether this phone should answer as soon as the call to the agent is placed, default is N. use_external_server_ip - Y or N: whether this phone should use the server's external IP for registration, default is N. template_id - 1-15 characters, if defined it must be a valid template in the system on_hook_agent - Y or N: should this phone be treated as on-hook when an agent logs in with it, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&extension=55000&dialplan_number=55000&voicemail_id=55000&phone_login=55000&phone_pass=test&server_ip=®istration_password=test&phone_full_name=Extension+55000&local_gmt=-5.00&outbound_cid=7275551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&extension=55000&dialplan_number=55000&voicemail_id=55000&phone_login=55000&phone_pass=test&server_ip=®istration_password=test&phone_full_name=Extension+55000&local_gmt=-5.00&outbound_cid=7275551212&phone_context=default& Example responses: ERROR: add_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD PHONES - 6666|0 ERROR: add_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1000||||||||||| ERROR: add_phone SERVER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666| ERROR: add_phone PHONE ALREADY EXISTS ON THIS SERVER - 6666||cc101 ERROR: add_phone PHONE LOGIN ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|cc100 ERROR: add_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID TIMEZONE - 6666|-5 ERROR: add_phone TEMPLATE ID DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|cc100|batch SUCCESS: add_phone PHONE HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|cc100||SIP|100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_phone - updates or deletes a phone entry already in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- extension - 2-100 characters server_ip - 7-15 characters, must be a valid server_ip SETTINGS FIELDS- delete_phone - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete the phone from the system, default is N. EDITABLE FIELDS- dialplan_number - 1-20 digits voicemail_id - 1-10 digits phone_login - 1-20 characters phone_pass - 1-20 characters protocol - Must be one of these: 'IAX2','SIP','Zap','EXTERNAL' registration_password - 1-20 characters phone_full_name - 1-50 characters local_gmt - timezone setting, not adjusting for DST, default: '-5.00' outbound_cid - 6-18 digits outbound_alt_cid - 6-18 digits, to clear this field send '--BLANK--' phone_context - a phone context, default is 'default' email - 5-100 characters, email address for voicemail, to clear this field send '--BLANK--' admin_user_group - a valid user group or '---ALL---' phone_ring_timeout - 1-3 digits, default '60' delete_vm_after_email - Y or N, default 'N' is_webphone - Y, N or Y_API_LAUNCH: whether this phone should be treated as a webphone, default is N. webphone_auto_answer - Y or N: whether this phone should answer as soon as the call to the agent is placed, default is N. use_external_server_ip - Y or N: whether this phone should use the server's external IP for registration, default is N. template_id - 1-15 characters, if defined it must be a valid template in the system on_hook_agent - Y or N: should this phone be treated as on-hook when an agent logs in with it, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&extension=55000&dialplan_number=55000&voicemail_id=55000&phone_login=55000&phone_pass=test&server_ip=®istration_password=test&phone_full_name=Extension+55000&local_gmt=-5.00&outbound_cid=7275551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&extension=55000&dialplan_number=55000&voicemail_id=55000&phone_login=55000&phone_pass=test&server_ip=®istration_password=test&phone_full_name=Extension+55000&local_gmt=-5.00&outbound_cid=7275551212&phone_context=default& http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_phone&user=6666&pass=1234&extension=55000&server_ip= Example responses: ERROR: update_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE PHONES - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|| ERROR: update_phone SERVER DOES NOT EXIST - 6666| ERROR: update_phone PHONE DOES NOT EXIST ON THIS SERVER - 6666||cc101 ERROR: update_phone LOGIN ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|x101 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID TIMEZONE - 6666|-99 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID DIALPLAN NUMBER - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID VOICEMAIL NUMBER - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID PHONE PASSWORD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID REGISTRATION PASSWORD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID PROTOCOL - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID PHONE NAME - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID PHONE CONTEXT - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone YOU MUST USE A VALID EMAIL - 6666| ERROR: update_phone NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone OUTBOUND CID MUST BE FROM 6 TO 18 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone OUTBOUND ALT CID MUST BE FROM 6 TO 18 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone USER GROUP MUST BE FROM 2 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone PHONE RING TIMEOUT MUST BE FROM 2 TO 180 SECONDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone DELETE VOICEMAIL AFTER EMAIL MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone TEMPLATE ID DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|cc100|batch SUCCESS: update_phone PHONE HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|cc100||SIP|100 SUCCESS: update_phone PHONE HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|cc100|| NOTICE: update_phone USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE PHONES - 6666|7878 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_phone_alias - adds a phone alias entry to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- alias_id - 2-20 characters phone_logins - 2-255 characters (phone logins separated by commas) alias_name - 1-50 characters Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_phone_alias&user=6666&pass=1234&alias_id=xyz100&alias_name=XYZ+testing&phone_logins=100a,100b Example responses: ERROR: add_phone_alias USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD PHONE ALIASES - 6666|0 ERROR: add_phone_alias YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||| ERROR: add_phone_alias PHONE ALIAS ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|x101 ERROR: add_phone_alias PHONE DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|cc100 SUCCESS: add_phone_alias PHONE ALIAS HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|x100|testing_x100|cc100,bb100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_phone_alias - updates or deletes a phone alias entry already in the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- alias_id - 2-20 characters phone_logins - 2-255 characters (phone logins separated by commas) alias_name - 1-50 characters SETTINGS FIELDS- delete_alias - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete the phone alias from the system, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_phone_alias&user=6666&pass=1234&alias_id=xyz100&alias_name=XYZ+testing+X&phone_logins=100a,100b http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=update_phone_alias&user=6666&pass=1234&alias_id=xyz100&delete_alias=Y Example responses: ERROR: update_phone_alias USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE PHONE ALIASES - 6666|0 ERROR: update_phone_alias YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|||| ERROR: update_phone_alias PHONE ALIAS DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|x101 ERROR: update_phone_alias YOU MUST USE A VALID ALIAS NAME - 6666|x ERROR: update_phone_alias PHONE DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|cc100 SUCCESS: update_phone_alias PHONE ALIAS HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|x100| SUCCESS: update_phone_alias PHONE ALIAS HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|x100| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server_refresh - forces a conf file refresh on all telco servers in the cluster NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "ast admin access" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- stage - "REFRESH" Example URL string for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=server_refresh&user=6666&pass=1234&stage=REFRESH Example responses: ERROR: server_refresh USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REFRESH SERVERS - 6666|0 ERROR: server_refresh YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666| SUCCESS: server_refresh SERVER REFRESH HAS BEEN TRIGGERED - 6666|1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_list - adds a list to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- list_id - 2-14 digits list_name - 2-30 characters campaign_id - 2-8 characters, must be a valid campaign_id OPTIONAL FIELDS- active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N' list_description - up to 255 characters, to empty this field, set to --BLANK-- outbound_cid - 6-20 digits script - 1-10 characters, must be a valid script am_message - 2-100 characters drop_inbound_group - 1-10 characters, must be a valid in-group web_form_address - 6-100 characters web_form_address_two - 6-100 characters web_form_address_three - 6-100 characters reset_time - 4-100 characters, must be in valid 4-digit groups of 24-hour time (i.e. 0900-1700-2359) tz_method - one of the following: COUNTRY_AND_AREA_CODE,POSTAL_CODE,NANPA_PREFIX,OWNER_TIME_ZONE_CODE default is COUNTRY_AND_AREA_CODE local_call_time - must be a valid call time ID in the system or 'campaign' which is the default expiration_date - 10 characters, must be in valid date format YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2012-11-25) xferconf_one - Transfer - Conf Number Override 1: 1-50 characters xferconf_two - Transfer - Conf Number Override 2: 1-50 characters xferconf_three - Transfer - Conf Number Override 3: 1-50 characters xferconf_four - Transfer - Conf Number Override 4: 1-50 characters xferconf_five - Transfer - Conf Number Override 5: 1-50 characters custom_fields_copy - A valid list ID with custom fields to be copied to this new list, 2-14 digits custom_copy_method - (APPEND,UPDATE,REPLACE) method for how to perform the 'custom_fields_copy', default is APPEND APPEND - the only 100% safe method, will not result in any lost existing data, only adds fields not present in the new list UPDATE - will only update existing custom fields definitions to match the source list REPLACE - will delete all existing custom field lead data in new list and start clean NOTES: - for the web form addresses, you can URL encode them to include standard URL special characters - to use the 'custom_fields_copy' option, the API user must have the "Custom Fields Modify" user option enabled Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_list&user=6666&pass=1234&list_id=1101&list_name=Test+API+list&campaign_id=TESTCAMP http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_list&user=6666&pass=1234&list_id=1101&list_name=Test+API+list&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&active=N&outbound_cid=7275551212&script=DEMOSCRIPT&am_message=8304&drop_inbound_group=SALESLINE&web_form_address= http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&function=add_list&user=6666&pass=1234&list_id=303&list_name=Test+API+list+3&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&custom_fields_copy=222 Example responses: ERROR: add_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD LISTS - 6666|0 ERROR: add_list YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1000|| ERROR: add_list CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|TESTCIMP ERROR: add_list LIST ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|1101 ERROR: add_list SCRIPT DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TESTSCRIPT ERROR: add_list IN-GROUP DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TEST_IN8 ERROR: add_list RESET TIME IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: add_list EXPIRATION DATE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: add_list LOCAL CALL TIME DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: add_list TIME ZONE METHOD IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: add_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE ONE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: add_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE TWO IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: add_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE THREE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: add_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE FOUR IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: add_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE FIVE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: add_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO COPY FROM DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 ERROR: add_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO COPY FROM HAS NO CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 ERROR: add_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO MODIFY CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 SUCCESS: add_list LIST HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|1101|TESTCAMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_list - updates list information in the vicidial_lists table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- list_id - must be all numbers, 2-14 digits source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- insert_if_not_found - Y or N, will attempt to insert as a new list if no match is found, default is N. If list is not found, the function will change to add_list and be processed in that way reset_list - Y or N, Setting this to Y will reset the Called-Since-Last-Reset flag for all of the leads in this list, default is N. delete_list - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete the list from the vicidial_lists table, default is N. delete_leads - Y or N, Setting this to Y will delete all of the leads with this list_id from the vicidial_list table, default is N. archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will affect only the vicidial_list_archive leads, default is N. EDITABLE FIELDS- list_name - 6-30 characters list_description - up to 255 characters, to empty this field, set to --BLANK-- campaign_id - 2-8 characters, must be a valid campaign_id active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N' outbound_cid - 6-20 digits script - 1-10 characters, must be a valid script am_message - 2-100 characters drop_inbound_group - 1-10 characters, must be a valid in-group web_form_address - 6-100 characters web_form_address_two - 6-100 characters web_form_address_three - 6-100 characters reset_time - 4-100 characters, must be in valid 4-digit groups of 24-hour time (i.e. 0900-1700-2359) tz_method - one of the following: COUNTRY_AND_AREA_CODE,POSTAL_CODE,NANPA_PREFIX,OWNER_TIME_ZONE_CODE default is COUNTRY_AND_AREA_CODE local_call_time - must be a valid call time ID in the system or 'campaign' which is the default expiration_date - 10 characters, must be in valid date format YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2012-11-25) xferconf_one - Transfer - Conf Number Override 1: 1-50 characters xferconf_two - Transfer - Conf Number Override 2: 1-50 characters xferconf_three - Transfer - Conf Number Override 3: 1-50 characters xferconf_four - Transfer - Conf Number Override 4: 1-50 characters xferconf_five - Transfer - Conf Number Override 5: 1-50 characters custom_fields_copy - A valid list ID with custom fields to be copied to the list being updated, 2-14 digits custom_copy_method - (APPEND,UPDATE,REPLACE) method for how to perform the 'custom_fields_copy', default is APPEND APPEND - the only 100% safe method, will not result in any lost existing data, only adds fields not present in the destination list UPDATE - will only update existing custom fields definitions to match the source list, will not add new fields REPLACE - will delete all existing custom field lead data in destination list and start clean with new fields custom_fields_add - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N'. The fields below marked with a star(*) are required for this to work: field_label* - The label to use in the database for this custom field(only letters, numbers and underscore allowed) field_name* - The visible name of the field in the form field_size* - The size of the form field field_type* - The type of field: TEXT, SELECT, AREA, etc... (see the Custom List Fields adminn web page HELP for more info) field_rank* - The order from top to bottom of where this field will appear in the form field_order - The horizontal order of the field, if there is more than one of the same rank field_rerank - If there is an existing field of the same rank, move the existing ones down the list, 'YES','NO' default is 'NO' field_max - The maximum size of data allowed in the field field_default - The default value of the field field_options - The field options for this field, If not POSTing variables, to start a new line, use '%0A', for a pipe '|' use '%7C' field_duplicate - If this is a duplicate of another existing field for this list ID: 'Y','N' default is 'N' field_description - Description of the field field_help - The help text for this field as it appears to the agent in the custom form field_required - If this field is considered Required: 'Y','N' default is 'N' multi_position - The position of the field element: 'HORIZONTAL','VERTICAL' default is 'HORIZONTAL' name_position - The position of the name of the field: 'TOP','LEFT' default is 'LEFT' field_encrypt - If this is to be an encrypted field(a VICIhost-only feature, if enabled): 'Y','N' default is 'N' field_show_hide - If the field is to be hidden(a VICIhost-only feature, if enabled): 'DISABLED','X_OUT_ALL','LAST_1','LAST_2','LAST_3','LAST_4','FIRST_1_LAST_4' custom_fields_update - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N'. The fields shown above are all optional except for 'field_label' which is required for this to work * For 'custom_fields_update' only, you can set the following fields to '--BLANK--' to have them changed to an empty '' value: field_description, $field_help, $field_options, $field_default custom_fields_delete - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N'. The 'field_label' field is required for this to work NOTES: - in order to set a field to empty('') set it equal to --BLANK--, i.e. "&drop_inbound_group=--BLANK--" - please use no special characters like apostrophes, quotes or amphersands - for the web form addresses, you can URL encode them to include standard URL special characters Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1101&list_name=Updated+test+API+list http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1101&active=N http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1102&active=N&insert_if_not_found=Y&list_name=Updated+test+API+list&campaign_id=TESTCAMP&outbound_cid=7275551212&script=DEMOSCRIPT&am_message=8304&drop_inbound_group=SALESLINE&web_form_address= http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1102&reset_list=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1102&delete_list=Y&delete_leads=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=1102&campaign_id=ASTRICON http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=99883&custom_copy_method=APPEND&custom_fields_copy=9988 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=9988&custom_fields_add=Y&field_label=new_api_field4&field_name=new+API+field4&field_size=20&field_type=TEXT&field_rank=16 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=9988&custom_fields_update=Y&field_label=Utility&field_options=1,1_1_hello%0A2,2_2_hello%0A3,3_3_hello http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=9988&custom_fields_update=Y&field_label=bill_period3&field_options=source=%3Ebill_start_month3%0Avalue=%3ESeptember%0Aoption=%3E%7Cselect%20bill-period-1%0Aoption=%3E1_month%7C1%20Month%0Aoption=%3E2_months%7C2%20Months%0Aoption=%3E3_months%7C3%20Months%0Avalue=%3E%0Aoption=%3E%7Cno%20match http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_list&list_id=5040379&custom_fields_delete=Y&field_label=new_api_field6 Example responses: ERROR: update_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE LISTS - 6666 ERROR: update_list YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: update_list NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID - 98762 NOTICE: update_list LIST DOES NOT EXIST, SENDING TO add_list FUNCTION - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_list LIST DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_list CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TESTCIMP ERROR: update_list SCRIPT DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TESTSCRIPT ERROR: update_list IN-GROUP DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TEST_IN8 ERROR: update_list LIST NAME MUST BE FROM 6 TO 30 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: update_list ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: update_list OUTBOUND CID MUST BE FROM 6 TO 18 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12345 ERROR: update_list ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGE MUST LESS THAN 101 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123... ERROR: update_list RESET TIME IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_list EXPIRATION DATE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_list TIME ZONE METHOD IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_list LOCAL CALL TIME DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE ONE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE TWO IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE THREE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE FOUR IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_list TRANSFER CONF OVERRIDE FIVE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 NOTICE: update_list NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666| SUCCESS: update_list LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1101 NOTICE: update_list LEADS IN LIST HAVE BEEN RESET - 6666|1101|324 NOTICE: update_list LIST RESET FAILED, daily reset limit reached: 2 / 2 - 6666|1101 NOTICE: update_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE LISTS - 6666|0 NOTICE: update_list LIST HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|1101|1 NOTICE: update_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE LEADS - 6666|0 NOTICE: update_list LEADS IN LIST HAVE BEEN DELETED - 6666|1101|324 NOTICE: update_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO COPY FROM DOES NOT EXIST, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 NOTICE: update_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO COPY FROM HAS NO CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 NOTICE: update_list USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO MODIFY CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|1102|0 NOTICE: update_list COPY CUSTOM FIELDS COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|APPEND|ERROR: Fields not copied| NOTICE: update_list COPY CUSTOM FIELDS COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|APPEND|SUCCESS: Fields copied| NOTICE: update_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO ADD TO HAS NO CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101 NOTICE: update_list REQUIRED CUSTOM FIELDS VARIABLES ARE MISSING, FIELD NOT ADDED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|||||| NOTICE: update_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO UPDATE TO HAS NO CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|||||| NOTICE: update_list REQUIRED CUSTOM FIELDS VARIABLES ARE MISSING, FIELD NOT UPDATED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101||| NOTICE: update_list FIELD DOES NOT EXIST, FIELD NOT UPDATED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|abc||||| NOTICE: update_list CUSTOM FIELDS LIST ID TO DELETE TO HAS NO CUSTOM FIELDS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101| NOTICE: update_list REQUIRED CUSTOM FIELDS VARIABLES ARE MISSING, FIELD NOT DELETED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101||| NOTICE: update_list FIELD DOES NOT EXIST, FIELD NOT DELETED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1101|abc| NOTICE: update_list ADD CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|ERROR: Field not added| NOTICE: update_list ADD CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|SUCCESS: Field added| NOTICE: update_list UPDATE CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|ERROR: Field not updated| NOTICE: update_list UPDATE CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|SUCCESS: Field updated| NOTICE: update_list DELETE CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|ERROR: Field not deleted| NOTICE: update_list DELETE CUSTOM FIELD COMMAND SENT - 6666|1101|new_field|TEXT|SUCCESS: Field deleted| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_info - summary information about a list NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- list_id - must be all numbers, 2-14 digits source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- (optional) leads_counts - Y or N, will include the counts of all leads and NEW status leads in the response, default is 'N' dialable_count - Y or N, will use the list's campaign settings to provide a count of how many are dialable right now, default is 'N' stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header archived_lead - Y or N, Setting this to Y will query only the vicidial_list_archive leads for the leads count, default is N. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=list_info&list_id=1101&leads_counts=Y&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: list_info USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO MODIFY LISTS - 6666 ERROR: list_info YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: list_info NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID - 98762 ERROR: list_info LIST DOES NOT EXIST - 98762 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following formats: list_id|list_name|campaign_id|active|list_changedate|list_lastcalldate|expiration_date|resets_today 1101|performance list|TESTCAMP|Y|2019-09-02 08:52:50|2019-11-07 10:12:12|2099-12-31|0| list_id|list_name|campaign_id|active|list_changedate|list_lastcalldate|expiration_date|resets_today|all_leads_count|new_leads_count 1101|performance list|TESTCAMP|Y|2019-09-02 08:52:50|2019-11-07 10:12:12|2099-12-31|0|59896|3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_custom_fields - shows the custom data fields that are in a list, or all lists NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify lists" enabled NOTE: this output will not include display-only fields in the FORM, only the non-default custom data fields, any DISPLAY, SCRIPT and SWITCH form elements will be ignored REQUIRED FIELDS- list_id - must be all numbers, 2-14 digits, OR use "---ALL---" for all lists source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) SETTINGS FIELDS- (optional) stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header custom_order - the order to put the custom fields into: table_order, alpha_up, alpha_down (default is 'table_order') Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=list_custom_fields&list_id=1101&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: list_custom_fields CUSTOM LIST FIELDS ARE NOT ENABLED ON THIS SYSTEM - 6666 ERROR: list_custom_fields USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO MODIFY LISTS - 6666 ERROR: list_custom_fields YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: list_custom_fields NOT AN ALLOWED LIST ID - 98762 ERROR: list_custom_fields LIST DOES NOT EXIST - 98762 A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following formats: list_id|list_name|campaign_id|active|list_changedate|list_lastcalldate|custom_fields_list_space_delimited 1101|performance list|TESTCAMP|Y|2019-09-02 08:52:50|2019-11-07 10:12:12|fav_color fav_food res_city res_state res_zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_phone_number - allows you to check if a phone number is valid and dialable NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher REQUIRED FIELDS- phone_number - must be all numbers, 6-16 digits phone_code - must be all numbers, 1-4 digits, defaults to 1 if not set local_call_time - must be a valid call time ID in the system OPTIONAL FIELDS- postal_code - must be 5 digits. Only works for USA zipcodes, needed for POSTAL tz_method state - must be 2 letters. Only needed if state call time rules enabled owner - must be 2-5 letters. Only needed if using TZCODE tz_method SETTINGS FIELDS- dnc_check - Y, N or AREACODE, default is N campaign_dnc_check - Y, N or AREACODE, default is N campaign_id - 2-8 Character campaign ID, required if using campaign_dnc_check usacan_prefix_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid 4th digit for USA and Canada phone numbers (cannot be 0 or 1) usacan_areacode_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid areacode for USA and Canada phone numbers nanpa_ac_prefix_check - Y or N, default is N. Check for a valid NANPA areacode and prefix, if optional NANPA data is on the system tz_method - , POSTAL, TZCODE, NANPA or AREACODE, default is which will use the country code and AREACODE for time zone lookups AREACODE relies on the phone number's areacode POSTAL relies on the postal_code field TZCODE relies on the owner field being populated with a proper time zone code NANPA relies on the optional NANPA areacode prefix data being loaded on your system (NOTE: you can do more than one method at once, i.e.: "POSTALTZCODE") Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=check_phone_number&phone_number=7275551111&call_time=9am-9pm http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?DB=0&source=test&function=check_phone_number&user=6666&pass=1234&owner=GST&postal_code=81009&phone_number=3125551212&local_call_time=9am-9pm&tz_method=AREACODEPOSTALNANPATZCODE Example responses: ERROR: check_phone_number USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO CHECK PHONE NUMBERS - |6666|0| ERROR: check_phone_number THIS IS NOT A VALID CALL TIME - |6666|badct| ERROR: check_phone_number NANPA options disabled, NANPA prefix data not loaded - 0|6666 ERROR: check_phone_number INVALID PHONE NUMBER LENGTH - 72755|6666 ERROR: check_phone_number INVALID PHONE NUMBER PREFIX - 72755|6666 ERROR: check_phone_number INVALID PHONE NUMBER AREACODE - 72755|6666 ERROR: check_phone_number INVALID PHONE NUMBER NANPA AREACODE PREFIX - 7275551212|6666 ERROR: check_phone_number PHONE NUMBER IN DNC - 7275551112|6666 A success response will show the results for each tz_method used(with 0 or 1 for dialable and the gmt-offset) followed by a hash"#" and then the phone information after: AREACODE: 1|-6#PHONE: 3125551212|1|||| AREACODE: 1|-6#POSTAL: 1|-7.0#TZCODE: 0|10#NANPA: 1|-6#PHONE: 3125551212|1|81009||GST| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logged_in_agents - list of agents that are logged in to the system NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) OPTIONAL FIELDS- campaigns - pipe-delimited list of campaigns to get status information for "TESTCAMP|INBOUND", default is all campaigns shown user_groups - pipe-delimited list of user groups to get status information for "ADMIN|AGENTS", default is all user groups shown show_sub_status - show agent sub-status and pause_code, requires log lookup, (YES|NO) default is NO SETTINGS FIELDS- stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default) header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=logged_in_agents&stage=csv&header=YES Example responses: ERROR: logged_in_agents USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO GET AGENT INFO - 6666|0 ERROR: logged_in_agents NO LOGGED IN AGENTS A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: user|campaign_id|session_id|status|lead_id|callerid|calls_today|full_name|user_group|user_level 6666|TESTCAMP|8600051|PAUSED|1079409||1|Admin|ADMIN|9 user,campaign_id,session_id,status,lead_id,callerid,calls_today,full_name,user_group,user_level,pause_code,sub_status 6666,TESTCAMP,8600051,INCALL,1079409,M2260919190001079409,1,Admin,ADMIN,9,LOGIN,DEAD 4545,TESTCAMP,8600052,PAUSED,0,,0,4545,MIKESGROUP,8,LOGIN, NOTE: real_time_sub_status field can consist of: DEAD, DISPO, 3-WAY, PARK, RING, PREVIEW, DIAL or it can be empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call_status_stats - report on number of calls made by campaign and ingroup, with hourly and status breakdowns NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- campaigns - Campaigns to return stats on. Use "---ALL---" or "ALLCAMPAIGNS" for all campaigns, or use single dash delimiters if requesting more than one specific campaign OPTIONAL FIELDS- query_date - Date to report on, leave blank to default to today's date. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format ingroups - List of ingroups to report on. Leave blank for all ingroups belonging to the campaigns specified in the "campaigns" variable. Use dash delimiters if requesting more than one ingroup. statuses - List of specific statuses to report on. Leave blank for all, or use dash delimiters if requesting more than one status. Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_status_stats&campaigns=---ALL---&query_date=2017-11-24 (returns all campaigns and ingroups for 11/24/17) http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_status_stats&campaigns=TESTCAMP-TESTCAMP2&query_date=2017-11-24&statuses=NP-TD&ingroups=AGENTDIRECT (returns stat counts for TESTCAMP and TESTCAMP2 campaigns, and AGENTDIRECT ingroup, for 11/24/27 for calls dispositioned as NP and TD) Example responses: ERROR: call_status_stats INVALID OR MISSING CAMPAIGNS ERROR: auth USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS FUNCTION ERROR: call_status_stats USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW STATS A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: campaign_id/ingroup|total calls|human answered calls|hourly breakdown(HH-count,HH-count,etc...)|status breakdown(status-count,status-count,etc...) Hourly and status breakdowns are delimited by comma, and each hour/status count is delimited by dash, as seen below: TESTCAMP|26|26|00-0,01-1,02-1,03-0,04-0,05-0,06-0,07-0,08-0,09-0,10-0,11-3,12-4,13-2,14-4,15-1,16-0,17-2,18-0,19-0,20-0,21-6,22-1,23-1|NP-4,TD-22| AGENTDIRECT|2|2|00-0,01-0,02-0,03-0,04-0,05-0,06-0,07-0,08-0,09-0,10-0,11-1,12-1,13-0,14-0,15-0,16-0,17-0,18-0,19-0,20-0,21-0,22-0,23-0|TD-2| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call_dispo_report - call disposition breakdown report NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 9 and "view reports" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS(one of the following)- campaigns - Campaigns to return stats on. Use single dash delimiters if requesting more than one specific campaign ingroups - In-Groups to return stats on. Use single dash delimiters if requesting more than one specific inbound group dids - DIDs to return stats on. Use single dash delimiters if requesting more than one specific DID OPTIONAL FIELDS- query_date - Date to report on, leave blank to default to today's date. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format end_date - Date to report on, leave blank to default to today's date. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format statuses - List of specific statuses to report on. Leave blank for all, or use dash delimiters if requesting more than one status. categories - List of specific status categories to report on. Leave blank for all, or use dash delimiters if requesting more than one category. users - List of specific users to report on. Use single dash delimiters if requesting more than one specific user status_breakdown - [0,1] Breakdown of all statuses within selected elements, default 0 show_percentages - [0,1] (Only works if status_breakdown above is enabled), will show percentages of statuses, default 0 file_download - [0,1] Download as a CSV file, default 0 Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_dispo_report&ingroups=TEST_IN3-TEST_IN2&query_date=2018-02-05&end_date=2018-02-07 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_dispo_report&ingroups=TEST_IN3-TEST_IN2&query_date=2018-02-05&end_date=2018-02-07&status_breakdown=1 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_dispo_report&did_patterns=7275551113&query_date=2018-02-05&end_date=2018-02-07&status_breakdown=1 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=call_dispo_report&ingroups=TEST_IN3-TEST_IN2&query_date=2018-02-05&end_date=2018-02-07&status_breakdown=1&show_percentages=1 Example responses: ERROR: call_dispo_report INVALID OR MISSING CAMPAIGNS, INGROUPS, OR DIDS ERROR: call_dispo_report USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS FUNCTION ERROR: call_dispo_report USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW STATS A SUCCESS response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: CAMPAIGN,TOTAL CALLS TEST_IN2,10 TEST_IN3,110 TOTAL,120 CAMPAIGN,TOTAL CALLS,ACFLTR,NP,WAITTO,CLOSOP,DROP,INCALL,RQXFER,TD,TESTAM TEST_IN2,10,1,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,4 TEST_IN3,110,0,5,13,9,3,1,47,1,31 TOTAL,120,1,5,13,9,8,1,47,1,35 CAMPAIGN,TOTAL CALLS,ACFLTR,NP,WAITTO,CLOSOP,DROP,INCALL,RQXFER,TD,TESTAM TEST_IN2,10,1 (10.0%),0 (0.0%),0 (0.0%),0 (0.0%),5 (50.0%),0 (0.0%),0 (0.0%),0 (0.0%),4 (40.0%) TEST_IN3,110,0 (0.0%),5 (4.5%),13 (11.8%),9 (8.2%),3 (2.7%),1 (0.9%),47 (42.7%),1 (0.9%),31 (28.2%) TOTAL,120,1 (0.8%),5 (4.2%),13 (10.8%),9 (7.5%),8 (6.7%),1 (0.8%),47 (39.2%),1 (0.8%),35 (29.2%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_campaign - updates campaign information in the vicidial_campaigns table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify campaigns" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- campaign_id - 2-8 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) EDITABLE FIELDS- campaign_name - 6-40 characters active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N' auto_dial_level - 2-5 characters, must be within valid range adaptive_maximum_level - 3-20 digits campaign_vdad_exten - 3-20 characters hopper_level - Must be from 1 to 2000 reset_hopper - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', will default to 'N' dial_method - Must be one of these: 'MANUAL','RATIO','INBOUND_MAN','ADAPT_AVERAGE','ADAPT_HARD_LIMIT','ADAPT_TAPERED' dial_timeout - Must be from 1 to 120 list_order - Order in which the leads are dialed, MUST USE PROPER CASE! Some examples include 'UP','DOWN','RANDOM 2nd NEW','DOWN COUNT',etc... list_order_randomize - Randomize hopper lead loading within the list order, Must be one of these: 'Y','N' list_order_secondary - Can be set to one of these: MUST USE PROPER CASE! Examples include 'LEAD_ASCEND','CALLTIME_DESCEND','VENDOR_ASCEND',etc... outbound_cid - 1-20 digits dial_status_add - 1-6 characters dial_status_remove - 1-6 characters lead_filter_id - Must be a valid Filter in the system, or '---NONE---' to not use a filter xferconf_one - Transfer - Conf Number 1: 1-50 characters xferconf_two - Transfer - Conf Number 2: 1-50 characters xferconf_three - Transfer - Conf Number 3: 1-50 characters xferconf_four - Transfer - Conf Number 4: 1-50 characters xferconf_five - Transfer - Conf Number 5: 1-50 characters dispo_call_url - URL for the Dispo URL(If using a full non-local URL must include 'http://' or 'https://') Must be URL-encoded if sending request as a URL EXAMPLE URL-ENCODED URL: "" = "" NOTES: - please use no special characters like apostrophes, quotes or amphersands Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT&campaign_name=Updated+test+API+campaign&auto_dial_level=3.0 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT&active=N http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT&reset_hopper=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT& http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT&dispo_call_url=ALT http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_campaign&campaign_id=TESTOUT&dial_status_add=A2&dial_status_remove=A3&list_order=DOWN+COUNT Example responses: ERROR: update_campaign USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE CAMPAIGNS - 6666 ERROR: update_campaign YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: update_campaign NOT AN ALLOWED CAMPAIGN ID - 98762 ERROR: update_campaign CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_campaign AUTO DIAL LEVEL MUST BE FROM 0 TO 18, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_campaign DIAL METHOD IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12 ERROR: update_campaign ADAPT MAXIMUM DIAL LEVEL MUST BE FROM 1 TO 5 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12 ERROR: update_campaign ROUTING EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 3 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12 ERROR: update_campaign HOPPER LEVEL MUST BE FROM 1 TO 2000, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12345 ERROR: update_campaign DIAL TIMEOUT MUST BE FROM 1 TO 120, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123 ERROR: update_campaign CAMPAIGN NAME MUST BE FROM 6 TO 40 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: update_campaign CAMPAIGN CID MUST BE FROM 6 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: update_campaign CAMPAIGN LEAD FILTER MUST BE A VALID FILTER IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: update_campaign TRANSFER CONF NUMBER ONE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_campaign TRANSFER CONF NUMBER TWO IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_campaign TRANSFER CONF NUMBER THREE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_campaign TRANSFER CONF NUMBER FOUR IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_campaign TRANSFER CONF NUMBER FIVE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ERROR: update_campaign ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER INCLUDING RANDOM ARE NOT ALLOWED, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|RANDOM 2nd NEW| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|Y| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER IS NOT A VALID LENGTH, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|Y| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER RANDOMIZE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|X| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER RANDOMIZE IS NOT A VALID LENGTH, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|YES| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER SECONDARY IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|Y| ERROR: update_campaign LIST ORDER SECONDARY IS NOT A VALID LENGTH, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|LEAD| ERROR: update_campaign DIAL STATUS ADD IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|A1234567| ERROR: update_campaign DIAL STATUS ADD FAILURE, TOO MANY EXISTING DIAL STATUSES, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|A12345| ERROR: update_campaign DIAL STATUS REMOVE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |6666|A1234567| ERROR: update_campaign DIAL STATUS REMOVE FAILURE, NO EXISTING DIAL STATUSES SET, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |666666|A12345| ERROR: update_campaign DIAL STATUS REMOVE FAILURE, NOT AN EXISTING DIAL STATUS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - |666666|A12345| NOTICE: update_campaign NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666| NOTICE: update_campaign HOPPER HAS BEEN RESET - 6666|1101|324 SUCCESS: update_campaign CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_alt_url - updates/adds/displays alternate dispo call url entries for a campaign NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify campaigns" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- campaign_id - 2-8 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) entry_type - One of these: 'campaign' url_type - One of these: 'dispo','start','addlead','noagent' alt_url_id - Digits only, 'NEW' or 'LIST'. Must be a valid alt URL ID for this campaign, or set to 'NEW' to add a new ALT URL NOTE: If only one Alt URL exists for this campaign and type, then this field can be left blank NOTE: 'stage'(csv, tab, pipe[default]) and 'header'(YES, NO) options are available for an alt_url_id of 'LIST' EDITABLE FIELDS- active - One of these: 'Y','N', default is 'N' url_rank - Digits only url_statuses - FOR DISPO URLs ONLY! List of dispo statuses this URL is active for, separated by spaces, i.e.: "SALE1 SALE2" or can be set to "---ALL---" url_description - Text description of the alt URL url_lists - Lists that the URL is active for, separated by spaces, i.e.: "101 102" or can be set to blank "" for all lists url_call_length - Digits only. Only calls that are this minimum length in seconds and higher, default is 0 url_address - URL for the Alt URL(If using a full non-local URL must include 'http://' or 'https://') Must be URL-encoded if sending request as a URL EXAMPLE URL-ENCODED URL: "" = "" NOTES: - Please use no special characters like apostrophes, quotes or amphersands - A value of '--BLANK--' can be used on the url_description and url_lists options above to set their values to empty Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&active=N http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&url_rank=2 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&url_statuses=SALE+PSALE http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&url_description=Updated+SALE+URL http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&url_lists=101+102 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3&url_call_length=2 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=3& http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=LIST http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_alt_url&campaign_id=ALTTEST&entry_type=campaign&url_type=dispo&alt_url_id=NEW&url_statuses=PRQUAL&url_description=Testing& Example responses: ERROR: update_alt_url USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE CAMPAIGNS - 6666 ERROR: update_alt_url YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: update_alt_url NOT AN ALLOWED CAMPAIGN ID - 98762 ERROR: update_alt_url CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_alt_url NO VALID URL TYPE DEFINED: - 6666||| ERROR: update_alt_url NO ENTRY TYPE DEFINED - 6666|| ERROR: update_alt_url CAMPAIGNS dispo URL IS NOT SET TO ALT - 6666|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP ERROR: update_alt_url ALT URL ID DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|2|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP|2 ERROR: update_alt_url ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: update_alt_url URL ADDRESS IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_alt_url URL RANK IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|999999 ERROR: update_alt_url URL CAL LENGTH IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|999999 ERROR: update_alt_url URL STATUSES IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_alt_url URL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_alt_url URL LISTS IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| NOTICE: update_campaign NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666| SUCCESS: update_alt_url ALT URL HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP SUCCESS: update_alt_url ALT URL HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|NEW URL ID: 2|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP NOTICE: update_alt_url LIST, No Records Found - 6666|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP|0 A LIST response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: url_id|campaign_id|entry_type|active|url_type|url_rank|url_statuses|url_description|url_lists|url_call_length|url_address 3|ALTTEST|campaign|Y|dispo|2|SALE PSALE|Updated SALE URL||2| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_presets - updates/adds/displays/deletes campaign preset entries NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "modify campaigns" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- campaign_id - 2-8 characters source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) preset_name - name of the preset in the system NOTE: If only one preset exists for this campaign, then this field can be left blank action - 'UPDATE', 'NEW', 'DELETE' or 'LIST' (default is 'UPDATE') NOTE: 'stage'(csv, tab, pipe[default]) and 'header'(YES, NO) options are available for an action of 'LIST' EDITABLE FIELDS- preset_hide_number - One of these: 'Y','N', default is 'N' preset_number - Digits only (must be from 1 to 50 digits in length) preset_dtmf - Digits and certain characters only ('0123456789PSQ' [P = #-pound, S = *-star, Q = half-second-quiet]) NOTES: - Please use no special characters like apostrophes, quotes or amphersands - A value of '--BLANK--' can be used on the preset_dtmf option above to set its value to empty Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_presets&campaign_id=ALTTEST&preset_name=SALES&preset_number=3125551212&preset_hide_number=N&action=NEW http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_presets&campaign_id=ALTTEST&preset_number=3125551213&preset_hide_number=N&preset_dtmf=1234 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_presets&campaign_id=ALTTEST&action=LIST http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_presets&campaign_id=ALTTEST&preset_name=SUPPORT+LINE&preset_number=3125551214&preset_hide_number=Y&preset_dtmf=1&action=NEW http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_presets&campaign_id=ALTTEST&preset_name=SUPPORT+LINE&action=DELETE Example responses: ERROR: update_presets USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE CAMPAIGNS - 6666 ERROR: update_presets YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: update_presets NOT AN ALLOWED CAMPAIGN ID - 98762 ERROR: update_presets CAMPAIGN DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_presets PRESET NAME DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|2|dispo|campaign|TESTCAMP|2 ERROR: update_presets PRESET HIDE NUMBER MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: update_presets PRESET DTMF IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| NOTICE: update_campaign NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666| SUCCESS: update_presets PRESET HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1|campaign|TESTCAMP SUCCESS: update_presets PRESET HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|NEW PRESET: SUPPORT LINE|TESTCAMP SUCCESS: update_presets PRESET HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|SUPPORT LINE|TESTCAMP NOTICE: update_presets LIST, No Records Found - 6666|TESTCAMP|0 A LIST response will not show "SUCCESS", but instead will just print the results in the following format: preset_name|campaign_id|preset_number|preset_hide_number|preset_dtmf SALES|ALTTEST|3125551213|N|1234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_did - adds new Inbound DID entries to the system in the vicidial_inbound_dids table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "Modify DIDs" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- did_pattern - 2-50 characters, must be a valid DID in the system NOTE: special characters in the did_pattern need to be URL encoded, for example the plus sign '+' must be sent as '%2B' source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) EDITABLE FIELDS- did_description - 6-50 characters active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N' did_route - must be one of these: 'EXTEN','VOICEMAIL','AGENT','PHONE','IN_GROUP','CALLMENU','VMAIL_NO_INST' record_call - must be one of these: 'Y','N','Y_QUEUESTOP' extension - 1-50 digits exten_context - 1-50 characters voicemail_ext - 1-10 digits phone_extension - 1-100 characters server_ip - must be all numbers and dots, max 15 characters group - a valid in-group group_id menu_id - a valid call menu menu_id filter_clean_cid_number - 1-20 characters call_handle_method - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the call handle method(CID, CIDLOOKUP, CLOSER, etc...), default 'CID' agent_search_method - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the agent search method(LO = Load-Balanced-Overflow, LB = Load-Balanced, SO = Server-Only), default 'LB' list_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the list ID(3-12 digits), default '999' entry_list_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the entry list ID(1-12 digits), default '0' campaign_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the campaign ID, default '' phone_code - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the phone code, default '1' Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_did&did_pattern=%2B1727555112&did_description=Updated+test+API+DID&active=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=add_did&did_pattern=7275553331&did_description=Testing+DID&active=N&did_route=EXTEN&record_call=Y_QUEUESTOP&extension=8300&exten_context=notdefault&voicemail_ext=8301&phone_extension=55000&server_ip= Example responses: ERROR: add_did USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ADD DIDS - 6666 ERROR: add_did YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: add_did NOT AN ALLOWED DID - 98762 ERROR: add_did DID ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|1000 ERROR: add_did DID DESCRIPTION MUST BE FROM 6 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: add_did ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: add_did DID ROUTE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12 ERROR: add_did RECORD CALL MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did EXTENSION CONTEXT MUST BE FROM 1 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did VOICEMAIL EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 10 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did PHONE EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 100 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did SERVER IP MUST BE A VALID SERVER IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did GROUP ID MUST BE A VALID INBOUND GROUP IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: add_did MENU ID MUST BE A VALID CALL MENU IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test_menu ERROR: add_did CLEAN CID NUMBER MUST BE FROM 1 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: add_did CALL HANDLE METHOD MUST BE FROM 3 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: add_did AGENT SEARCH METHOD MUST BE 2 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: add_did LIST ID MUST BE FROM 3 TO 14 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: add_did ENTRY LIST ID MUST BE FROM 1 TO 14 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|999999999999999 ERROR: add_did CAMPAIGN MUST BE FROM 1 TO 8 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TESTCAMPS ERROR: add_did PHONE CODE MUST BE FROM 1 TO 10 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|99999999999 SUCCESS: add_did DID HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|1101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_did - updates Inbound DID information in the vicidial_inbound_dids table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "Modify DIDs" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- did_pattern - 2-50 characters, must be a valid DID in the system NOTE: special characters in the did_pattern need to be URL encoded, for example the plus sign '+' must be sent as '%2B' source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) EDITABLE FIELDS- did_description - 6-50 characters active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N' did_route - must be one of these: 'EXTEN','VOICEMAIL','AGENT','PHONE','IN_GROUP','CALLMENU','VMAIL_NO_INST' record_call - must be one of these: 'Y','N','Y_QUEUESTOP' extension - 1-50 digits exten_context - 1-50 characters voicemail_ext - 1-10 digits phone_extension - 1-100 characters server_ip - must be all numbers and dots, max 15 characters group - a valid in-group group_id menu_id - a valid call menu menu_id filter_clean_cid_number - 1-20 characters call_handle_method - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the call handle method(CID, CIDLOOKUP, CLOSER, etc...), default 'CID' agent_search_method - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the agent search method(LO = Load-Balanced-Overflow, LB = Load-Balanced, SO = Server-Only), default 'LB' list_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the list ID(3-12 digits), default '999' entry_list_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the entry list ID(1-12 digits), default '0' campaign_id - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the campaign ID, default '' phone_code - If the route is IN_GROUP, this is the phone code, default '1' delete_did - Can be one of these: 'Y','N' (default is 'N') Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_did&did_pattern=%2B1727555112&did_description=Updated+test+API+DID&active=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_did&did_pattern=7275553331&did_description=Testing+DID&active=N&did_route=EXTEN&record_call=Y_QUEUESTOP&extension=8300&exten_context=notdefault&voicemail_ext=8301&phone_extension=55000&server_ip= Example responses: ERROR: update_did USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE DIDS - 6666 ERROR: update_did USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DELETE DIDS - 6666 ERROR: update_did YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1 ERROR: update_did NOT AN ALLOWED DID - 98762 ERROR: update_did DID DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_did DID DESCRIPTION MUST BE FROM 6 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|012 ERROR: update_did ACTIVE MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|U ERROR: update_did DID ROUTE IS NOT VALID, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|12 ERROR: update_did RECORD CALL MUST BE Y OR N, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did EXTENSION CONTEXT MUST BE FROM 1 TO 50 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did VOICEMAIL EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 10 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did PHONE EXTENSION MUST BE FROM 1 TO 100 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did SERVER IP MUST BE A VALID SERVER IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did GROUP ID MUST BE A VALID INBOUND GROUP IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test ERROR: update_did MENU ID MUST BE A VALID CALL MENU IN THE SYSTEM, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|test_menu ERROR: update_did CLEAN CID NUMBER MUST BE FROM 1 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666| ERROR: update_did CALL HANDLE METHOD MUST BE FROM 3 TO 20 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: update_did AGENT SEARCH METHOD MUST BE 2 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: update_did LIST ID MUST BE FROM 3 TO 14 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|1 ERROR: update_did ENTRY LIST ID MUST BE FROM 1 TO 14 DIGITS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|999999999999999 ERROR: update_did CAMPAIGN MUST BE FROM 1 TO 8 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|TESTCAMPS ERROR: update_did PHONE CODE MUST BE FROM 1 TO 10 CHARACTERS, THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FIELD - 6666|99999999999 NOTICE: update_did NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666| SUCCESS: update_did DID HAS BEEN DELETED - 6666|23|1101 SUCCESS: update_did DID HAS BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_cid_group_entry - updates CID Group entries in the vicidial_campaign_cid_areacodes table NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 8 or higher and "Modify Campaigns" enabled REQUIRED FIELDS- cid_group_id - 2-20 characters, must be a valid CID Group ID or Campaign ID in the system source - description of what originated the API call (maximum 20 characters) areacode - This should be either the AREACODE(i.e. "312") or STATE(i.e. "FL") or NONE of the CID Group entry, you can also set this to "---ALL---" stage - UPDATE, ADD, DELETE or INFO OPTIONAL FIELDS- outbound_cid - 1-20 digits, or (if you want to UPDATE, DELETE or INFO all entries for an areacode, you can set this to "---ALL---" or leave it blank) EDITABLE FIELDS- cid_description - 6-50 characters, default is blank active - Must be one of these: 'Y','N', default is 'N' Example URL strings for API calls: http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_cid_group_entry&stage=INFO&cid_group_id=TESTINX5&areacode=---ALL--- http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_cid_group_entry&stage=ADD&cid_group_id=testing_here4&areacode=312&outbound_cid=3125551212&cid_description=Testing+DID&active=N http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_cid_group_entry&stage=DELETE&cid_group_id=testing_here4&areacode=312&outbound_cid=3125551212 http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_cid_group_entry&stage=UPDATE&cid_group_id=testing_here4&areacode=312&outbound_cid=3125551212&active=Y http://server/vicidial/non_agent_api.php?source=test&user=6666&pass=1234&function=update_cid_group_entry&stage=UPDATE&cid_group_id=testing_here4&areacode=312&outbound_cid=---ALL---&active=N&cid_description=Deactivated+for+now Example responses: ERROR: update_cid_group_entry USER DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO UPDATE CID GROUPS - 6666 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry YOU MUST USE ALL REQUIRED FIELDS - 6666|1|| ERROR: update_cid_group_entry NOT AN ALLOWED CID GROUP - 98762 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry CID GROUP DOES NOT EXIST - 6666|1000 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry THIS CID GROUP HAS NO ENTRIES - 6666|1000 SUCCESS: update_cid_group_entry CID GROUP INFO AS FOLLOWS - 1101|---ALL---|---ALL---|3 1|727|7275551212|N|FL1 test|0 2|727|7275551313|N|FL1 test|0 4|998|7275551114|N|FL2 test|0 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry YOU MUST DEFINE AN AREACODE WHEN ADDING AND ENTRY - 6666|1000|---ALL--- ERROR: update_cid_group_entry YOU MUST DEFINE A CID NUMBER WHEN ADDING AND ENTRY - 6666|1000|1 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry THIS CID GROUP ENTRY ALREADY EXISTS - 6666|1000|813|8135551212 SUCCESS: update_cid_group_entry CID GROUP ENTRY HAS BEEN ADDED - 6666|1101|813|8135551212|1 SUCCESS: update_cid_group_entry CID GROUP ENTRIES HAVE BEEN DELETED - 6666|1101|813|8135551212|1 ERROR: update_cid_group_entry NO UPDATES DEFINED - 6666|813|8135551212|| SUCCESS: update_cid_group_entry CID GROUP ENTRIES HAVE BEEN UPDATED - 6666|1101|813|8135551212|1 ERROR: NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED