Fronter - Closer Report

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Fronter - Closer Report

Postby dhijrwn » Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:36 pm

Hi guys, how can I set the fronter and closer report to count as sale like this scenario.
An agent transfer a call to an inbound group, then closer gets the call but marks it as a CALLBACK then after a couple of minutes closer calls the phone number and then marked it as SALE. Is it possible to be count it as sale on transfer side and closer side in fronter and closer report?

As far as I understand the fronter and closer report, it will only count it as sale when a phone number is xfer and marked as sales in one session call. but above example was transfer, callback, then sale and i want it to be count as sale or recorded or display on the fronter - closer report.
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Re: Fronter - Closer Report

Postby mflorell » Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:19 am

The Fronter-Closer report has always been based upon hot/warm transfers only. Changing this to take in separate calls that happen later would require major changes to the report. I'm sure it could be done, but nobody has requested anything like that up to this point.
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Re: Fronter - Closer Report

Postby dhijrwn » Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:17 pm

mflorell wrote:The Fronter-Closer report has always been based upon hot/warm transfers only. Changing this to take in separate calls that happen later would require major changes to the report. I'm sure it could be done, but nobody has requested anything like that up to this point.

Thank you Matt for the answer, I hope it can be an option to fronter - closer report in the future.
Cluster setup i7-9700 cpu @ 3.00ghz 32GB ram 1xDB WEB ARCH 11xTEL 4core
ViciBox v.9.0.3 ISO VERSION:2.14-853a BUILD: 220328-1420
SVN: 3595 DB Schema: 1657 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici
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