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Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:22 pm
by streetboy
|VERSION: 2.14-869a BUILD: 221021-1038 | ViciBox 10| Cluster of 5 - 1DB+1WEB+3AST| Dedicated Servers | SVN 3695 | DB Schema 1677|

My question is if there is any way we can record ADC calls, without being routed to the agents.

The scenario is that we have onboarded a new Data Vendor, and his data is 40-50% ADCs, now today we had to manually dial 1000 ADC leads from Skype/Twilio to make sure that they are bad leads. And yes 81.9% of those classified by Vicidial as ADCs were bad leads(disconnected/invalid/out of service), 16.5% went to Answering Machines and 1.6% were Human Answers.
Now we don't want to repeat this exercise when going to a new data provider or to cross-verify the same data vendor again in the future. So I am looking for some way where we can just listen to the recordings of leads that are marked as ADC, and of course, we don't want them to be routed to the agents also.

Is there any way we can do that?

Thank you.

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:52 am
by mflorell
We have done this before(recorded the ring-time of all outbound phone calls) but it's been over a decade since I set that up. It involved changing the carrier dialplan entry to include a "Monitor" entry before dialing out the carrier, although I don't remember the specific details.

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:21 pm
by streetboy
Thank you sir.

Is there any way we can just record ADC calls?

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:54 pm
by mflorell
You have to start pre-Answer recordings before the call is placed, and you don't know if the call is going to be an ADC until it ends, so NO you cannot only record ADC calls.

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:14 pm
by streetboy
Makes sense. Thank you.

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:14 pm
by martinch
I think it may be possible if you follow mflorell's advice there, add a Monitor() app call to each outbound call and once you hit the outbound AGI script, you could potentially stop the recording at that point and start it again via agent driven recordings or even routing initiated recording...that should achieve what you're looking for but that's theoretical and I haven't tested it...and it's messy. :) it would involve code changes to both dialplan and potentially the outbound AGI script.

Re: Audio Recording for ADC Calls

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:33 pm
by streetboy
thank you for commenting.
Yes I get it but it will record everything, I mean that the monitor app in the dial plan will record everything, all the calls. Which I don't want. I just wanted to record ADC/ADCTs calls. But I guess that's not possible.