Field Encrypt & Field Show Hide settings for Custom Form

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Field Encrypt & Field Show Hide settings for Custom Form

Postby thephaseusa » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:26 pm

ViciBox v.7.0.4| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici | VERSION: 2.14-603a BUILD: 170321-1100
4 Box Cluster of 1 Database, 1 Asterisk, 1 Web, & 1 Archive Server.

Hi Vicidialers!

I've been using the forum since March 2017 when I first installed Vicibox and Vicidial, and this is my first post. I want to thank all the members here for your posts. Almost everything I've needed to know I've found the answers to in this forum. Like they say in linux rtfm first then ask your questions. I'd like to thank in particular William Conley and Matt Florell for all your posts here. Without you guys and this forum learning and administering VICIdial would have been very tough and time-consuming. I'm 7 months into using Vicibox, Vicidial and Asterisk and I'm still learning new features.

I just recently started using the Script tab and the Form tab. And I noticed in the help? section on Lists Custom Fields Help a couple of features that are offered only on the platform. These are Field Encrypt and Field Show Hide. I just starting using custom fields and the custom form tab so agents can enter information about our customers. Are these 2 features designed to protect confidential information, for example having an ss number but only showing agents the last 4 digits? This is what I am trying to do, have an agent enter information, disposition the call, and the next time that record is called, one or more fields would be partially blank and partially visible, so everything entered would be saved in the system but agents would only be able to see partial records.

So my question is, could the Field Encrypt and or Field Show Hide become part of the standard release in the future, or is there something I've overlooked and there is another way to do this?

Thanks again,
John Merritt
Posts: 345
Joined: Tue May 16, 2017 2:23 pm

Re: Field Encrypt & Field Show Hide settings for Custom Form

Postby mflorell » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:37 pm

That is correct, those are features that were written as part of an integrated encryption package only available on our platform.

We haven't really looked much into adding those as part of the open source package due to their complexity, the requirements for it to work and the problem of then being classified as "encryption software", which since we are located in the United States that we would be under export restrictions.
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