Callback and Callback Hold

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Callback and Callback Hold

Postby geoffers1 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:20 am

Hi. I'm trying to understand the differences in the Callbacks that operators set for a future date/time.

Firstly, what is the difference between a LIVE and an ACTIVE callback?
Secondly, what happens to those callbacks if I use the option to remove live callbacks over 1 week/1month? Do they get recycled based on the lead recycle rules or are they now lost never to be dialled again?

Many thanks.
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Re: Callback and Callback Hold

Postby DomeDan » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:47 am

ACTIVE is a callback that has not yet reached its set callback time
LIVE is a callback that has reached its set callback time

those callbacks that gets removed with the "Remove LIVE Callbacks older than one month for this campaign" will only have their callback info removed.
so the lead will still have the same status CBHOLD maybe, so you can say that they get lost.

the admin manually need to change the status of the lead, this can be done with some sql hacking like joining with the callback table.
I got a script that does refill and other stuff, removing old callbacks and set the leads to NEW is one of the things it does
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Re: Callback and Callback Hold

Postby geoffers1 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:07 am

Hi DomeDan. Thanks for the answer.

I suppose really then CBHOLD shouldn't be part of the lead recycle schedule either really??

I'd be interested in the script to remove callbacks and set them to new leads if you are open to sharing it?

Again, thanks for the answer.
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Re: Callback and Callback Hold

Postby DomeDan » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:26 am

No, CBHOLD should not be part of lead recycle. that would mess things up

here is an example on the query I run, only different is that I specify the list_id in the script I run, this part removes callbacks thats 4 weeks over the callback time
Code: Select all
UPDATE vicidial_callbacks
and callback_time < DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 4 WEEK);

and this next part takes all the inactive callbacks and set the lead status to NEW, you can set it to anything else like "OCB - Old CallBack" and just add that status and add that status to dialable statuses for example
the entry_time and last_local_call_time check at the end is not really necessary but good if you want to do something to the record in the callback table
Code: Select all
UPDATE vicidial_callbacks c
INNER JOIN vicidial_list i on i.lead_id=c.lead_id
SET i.status='NEW'
WHERE i.status in ('CBHOLD','CALLBK')
AND c.status in ('INACTIVE')
AND DATE(last_local_call_time) = DATE(entry_time);
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Re: Callback and Callback Hold

Postby geoffers1 » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:18 am

Massive thanks DomeDan
Go AutoDial CE 2.1
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Re: Callback and Callback Hold

Postby DomeDan » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:24 am

and I forgot to mention, always make backups before doing any update query!
Vicidial Partner. Region: Sweden/Norway.
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