outbound calling problem

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outbound calling problem

Postby 28300 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:45 am


Softphones can login to asterisk and call each other.
after logging into agent module the sip phone rings, but the problem is upon clicking "DIAL NEXT NUMBER" the sip phone says "I am sorry, this is not a valid extension"
Can ne1 provide a solution?? Im using vicidialnow with ztdummy.

Output of asterisk -rvvv is :

Connected to Asterisk 1.2.24 currently running on vicidialnow (pid = 2463)
-- Remote UNIX connection
_Verbosity is at least 21


== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
Feb 18 14:33:01 _[1;31;40mWARNING_[0;37;40m[2665]: _[1;37;40mchannel.c_[0;37;40m:_[1;37;40m780_[0;37;40m _[1;37;40mchannel_find_locked_[0;37;40m: _Avoided deadlock for '0xa0b4248', 9 retries!

== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
> Channel SIP/102-0a07cd58 was answered.
-- Executing _[1;36;40mMeetMe_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mSIP/102-0a07cd58_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40m8600051_[0;37;40m") in new stack
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from

== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from

== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Executing _[1;36;40mMeetMe_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/8600051@default-cdc5,2_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40m8600051_[0;37;40m") in new stack
> Channel Local/8600051@default-cdc5,1 was answered.
== Starting Local/8600051@default-cdc5,1 at default,441437710498,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
== Starting Local/8600051@default-cdc5,1 at default,s,1 still failed so falling back to context 'default'
-- Sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default' on Local/8600051@default-cdc5,1
-- Executing _[1;36;40mPlayback_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/8600051@default-cdc5,1_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40minvalid_[0;37;40m") in new stack
-- Playing 'invalid' (language 'en')
Feb 18 14:33:04 _[1;31;40mWARNING_[0;37;40m[3931]: _[1;37;40mfile.c_[0;37;40m:_[1;37;40m1045_[0;37;40m _[1;37;40mast_waitstream_[0;37;40m: _Unexpected control subclass '-1'

== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Executing _[1;36;40mMeetMe_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/78600051@default-4cc6,2_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40m8600051|q_[0;37;40m") in new stack
> Channel Local/78600051@default-4cc6,1 was answered.
-- Executing _[1;36;40mAnswer_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/78600051@default-4cc6,1_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40m_[0;37;40m") in new stack
-- Executing _[1;36;40mMonitor_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/78600051@default-4cc6,1_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40mwav|20080219-010303_1437710498_[0;37;40m") in new stack
-- Executing _[1;36;40mWait_[0;37;40m("_[1;35;40mLocal/78600051@default-4cc6,1_[0;37;40m", "_[1;35;40m3600_[0;37;40m") in new stack
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from

The moment I log into agent module my phone rings (xlite sip) and says call established (number on screen is S0802181134038600051) and when I answer it, the operator message is "You are currently the only person in this conference".
After I click on "DIAL NEXT NUMBER" the operator message is "I am sorry, that is not a valid extension"
Im using ztdummy.
Hence Im not able to dial out !!
Posts: 43
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:42 am

Postby howellrepaja » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:57 am

this would be the problem of ztdummy.

hope this helps. check if ur ztdummy is running.

if not reboot ur machine then check it again.
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:41 pm

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