Missing some recordings

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Missing some recordings

Postby dspaan » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:53 am

I have an agent who has sometimes no recordings. What is the best way to check if this is fraud or not? And if not what could be the reason? It's a RATIO campaign set to allforce recording. All calls in the lead are recorded except the most important one (the sale). Would agent debug reveal anything here?
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Missing some recordings

Postby MJCoate » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:06 pm

Usually a failed recording is due to networking problems. Since the signal to start the recording is sent by the agent interface, if that packet gets lost the recording never happens. I would suggest turning on routing initiated recording in the campaign's settings and see if that addresses your issue.

Also make sure their user record isn't configured to allow them to circumvent the campaign's recording settings.
Mike Coate | VICIdial Technical Support Staff
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