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More Fields Add

Postby ramindia » Fri May 25, 2007 1:46 pm


I request next version need to add more fields
to fullfill different kind of requirement for the campaign

and when they creating campaign,
they can select what fields should display for the agent.
like customise the agent screen, and show only required fields for the campaign

is this possible ?

Kindly post your feedback, if this solution works.
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Postby mflorell » Fri May 25, 2007 2:59 pm

This is a topic that has been brought up several times before, and there are a lot of issues with doing it. For example:
- What kind of fields do you allow?
- Will the extra data be saved in a separate table?
- How will the vicidial.php interface handle working with dynamic fields?
- Will we have to construct a complete form builder GUI to handle this?
- Who will donate the time and/or money to make this very complex new feature happen?

All good questions that need to be answered, and it is something that will be done eventually, but the major features that are priorities for 2.0.4 right now are list-mix dialing and advanced ACD functionality.
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Postby Op3r » Sun May 27, 2007 2:58 pm

for the form creation.

the reason why it is hard to do so is because it is dynamic. I am quite happy to have what I have. I may have some customizations to my installs but this kind of thing require a lot of rewrite on the vicidial.php.

I for one will try to help if any one wants it.
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Postby Trying » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:50 am

Guys, back to an old topic...... Matt and team, will you be willing to look into this development? I will be happy to contribute financially but will of course not be able to afford to pay for the complete project. Are there any other users that will also be willing to contribute towards an amazing feature like this?
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:36 am

If you can get together enough money we will look into doing this, but most of the time where people need a lot of custom fields they will just use whatever content creation system or CRM that fits what they need best and just us a SCRIPT tab IFRAME or a WEBFORM to populate the VICIDIAL-stored data into the other system upon connect and then work out of the other system. For instance, several companies use Limesurvey for doing polls and customer satisfaction surveys over the phone with VICIDIAL.
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Postby Trying » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:46 pm

Matt, in that case and at a cost of course, will you be willing to "integrate" Limesurvey into VICIDIAL to such an extent that the information from VICIDIAL will populate Limesurvey and the user can just add custom fields to Limesurvey which will populate the database in turn? My thinking is that Limesurvey is probably one of the best tools to use to create fields for different call center products. So there is probably no need to re-invent the wheel but to rather add the existing functionality. However, it will be great if something like this can be integrated as standard and all can share their issues and successes to get it working for all.

I don't know....... maybe others can also give their point of view if something like this will be useful to them and perhaps propose better options than Limesurvey? We dealt with campaigns from all over the world and our experience shows that although the fields differ substantially, most call centers around the world just need a simple tool to create fields and don't need the functionality of products such as SugarCrm or Vtiger. Together with the upcoming Timeclock and QC processes, a feature like this will truly make VICIDIAL an extremely well rounded call center system. I for one will be willing, if the basic integration is done, to put any paid for customized work back into the community as open source. Of course I will also approach the VICIDIAL Group first to get customized work done :D

As mentioned before, Elastix's call center module looks very promising just because campaigns can be created at no time and additional fields can be added with ease. However, most communication is in Spanish, they talk about a predictive dialer, which it is most definitely not.......... The idea is great however, not knocking them......... If we can get something like this into VICIDIAL you will leave MANY of the commercial solutions far behind!

Having many years of experience in the call center industry and many years experience with numerous call center systems I am still amazed with what you have done and I will contribute in whatsoever way I can!
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:59 pm

Thanks again for all of your compliments.

I have only installed LimeSurvey once myself, but there are several people who have used it with VICIDIAL and have posted about it so I know it cannot be that difficult to integrate.

As for the time needed to do it, it probably wouldn't happen until after 2.0.5 is released. I have finished the timeclock functionality(it's in SVN trunk for you to test) and am currently working on QC functionality right now. As soon as QC is done I have a few cleanup things that need to be done and then 2.0.5 will be released.

After 2.0.5 is released then I will have some time to work on things like LimeSurvey, which is on my list.
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Postby Trying » Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:18 pm

Thanks Matt!! Another $100 donation from me tomorrow first thing!! I know it is about the passion for the project for you and not the money...... I am however unable to contribute code so I will contribute money :D
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:58 pm

I thank you again for your dedicated support for this project :)
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Postby janokary » Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:48 am

Hi guys we do use Limesurvey version 1.71plus (latest)
to perform phone surveys.

we create one vicidial campaign for every limesurvey's survey.

We use use some special (hidden) questions to transfer vicidial_list fields to
lime survey.

If I can help somehow i'll be more than happy.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:32 am

If you could provide a simple tutorial or examples that would be wonderful.
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Postby janokary » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:33 am

I have already made a post about how to connect vicidial with lime survey "with no code at all" here ... 5/lang,en/
it is very simple

I now see that this was a reply to Trying (World isn't so big after all)

If there is a need for something more special I guess that this has to do with the needs of the implementation.

In Our case some code needs to be included (php, mysql trigers, cron jobs etc)
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Postby Trying » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:55 am


Yes, the world is small indeed :D . You are correct, what I am talking about with Matt is a more closely integrated solution with VICIDIAL. Like I said in the previous post I think many call center users have more need for a "simple" field creation tool than a fully fledged CRM like VTiger and SugarCrm. It would however be nice to have something like Limesurvey a bit more closely integrated. I am sure your help and suggestions will be much appreciated!
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Postby janokary » Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:23 am

I can see what you mean but I can not understand what you want. What I have done is:
• One to one Vicidial Campaign – Limesurvey Survey
• Connection between every lead in vicidial and the respective token in Lime Survey
• Quota management for geographical areas a priory and posteriory
• Special (system) group in lime survey to transfer vicidial_log info to limesurvey answer
That is all about it. Is that what you have in mind?
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Postby Trying » Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:59 am

Yes. Let me put it in simple terms as I am not an IT guy myself. :D

We have many more fields that must be added than what are currently available in VICIDIAL. Therefore, we need a tool, Limesurvey, to create these extra fields. At the same time we already have most of the information for the additional fields, so it is not just a matter of pulling the information from VICIDIAL into Limesurvey but rather both ways. So it must be done in such a way that all the information neatly go into one database, including the dispositions made in VICIDIAL, etc. So as soon as we dispositions a call in VICIDIAL, all information that is in VICIDIAL as well as all information in Limesurvey with the disposition saves to the database.

It must also act as "one system" without the need for the agent to log into both.

Not sure if any of this makes sense and what the possibilities are?

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Postby Trying » Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:28 pm

I think Matt has more or less an idea of what I am talking about. :D, as there are numerous threads talking about this. In many or most commercial dialers you have "call scripting" integrated into the application as a complete solution. "Call scripting" merely implying that you have a tool to build fields and text as you wish and that those fields will "on the go" integrate with the dialer and subsequent results from the dialer. The call scripting tool and dialer results will "talk" to each other and write into the same database for extraction. Once again, you may have the know-how to do this......... I don't know as I am simply a potential user who ADORES VICIDIAL and can contribute funds to a point but cannot contribute code. With the QC function and shift feature planned for the next release, integrating an INTEGRATED "scripting tool" such as Limesurvey will make VICIDIAL close to perfect. Agian, I am not saying that Limesurvey is the answer......... I have not seen anyone dispute or agree with it however. The answer may be to develop a "campaign creation" tool for VICIDIAL. The current options are to link VICIDIAL to an external Webform or to create iframes within the scripting link....... just imagine there is a a tool do this....
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Postby janokary » Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:56 am

I agree with you 100%
Why do not have to invent the wheel. Let’s go for the outer space.
Here is a business flow of our system:
The flow
1. (vicidial) Agents gets I “live call” in vicidial
2. (vicidial) Agent presses “Web form” or it is automatically press depending on the vicidial campaign setup
3. (limesurvey) A new token is inserted in Limesurvey (this is the vicidial lead id) and the respective questionnaire pops up.
4. (limesurvey) Agent fills the questionnaire and submit it (the pop up screen close)
5. (vicidial) Agent return to vicidial to make the disposition
6. (cron) Every 10 (or whatever) minutes there is a cron job to fill the questionnaires with the rest information (fields) from vicidial_list table (this could instead be triggered from submit dispotition)
• Agent has to login only to vicidial (as usual)
• Manager has two interfaces
o One is the Vicidial where he can get info about agents performance etc
o Two is the Lime Survey where all the “Business Data” exist
In our case
Call center supervisor only logins to vicidial admin in order to control the flow of the campaign
On the other hand Analysis department is only interested in the Limesurvey data in order to do their Spss – R stuff.
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Postby Trying » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:52 am

Yes, that sounds brilliant and exactly what I am talking about. Just one thing..... how will it be done if we have more information to import than is currently available in the VICIDIAL import format. For example, we also have the banking details of the client which must show in Limesurvey as soon as the call is connected as well as many other fields that we already have the information for. The agent must then merely confirm that the existing details are correct.

Also, will you be willing to share your code if Matt wants to include it in the scratch install and if the VicidialNow guys want to include it in their distro?
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Postby janokary » Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:16 am

There some extra fields in vicidial_list like source (witch in my case is used geographical location of the phone number)
But there are limited.

This fields are presented in vicidial and can be edited. This is where you can do what you are asking for

Lime survey is to put new data not to correct existing data, althought there is a workaround about this issue, but I don't know if it feets your needs. ... survey_URL

So it is up to Matt to add more fileds to vicidial_list (in order to keep up with the main distribution and not twiking the code)

I could add a howto somewhere in the wiki to help if that's ok with Matt.
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Postby Trying » Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:33 am

I am sure that will be much appreciated! Thank you so far for all the information!
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best practice two years l8r

Postby dspaan » Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:00 pm

Hi Trying, Janokary and Matt,

Hope you will still read this after two years :shock: . I've noticed the first link in this post which points to the limesurvey site does not work anymore.

I was wondering if any of you could tell me what the current best practice is of working with VICIdial and your own fields. As far as i can see VICIdial will never function on it's own as is for our callcenter because just like Trying says you allways have custom fields that need to be checked/corrected/filled during the phone conversation with a customer.

So Limesurvey came up but i can't find a tutorial on how to make VICIdial and Lime work together. Can someone help me on this? I don't mind to load a leads list in two systems if that is necessary.

I also read and have seen that VICdial can popup an external webform. What i would like to know is what do most callcenters use? Limesurvey, a webform or something else? Is there an application that i can install on a server for easy scripting with webforms?
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:41 am


I am sure Matt will respond to your other questions but please look at this link in the meantime: ... 5e61edc00f

I still believe that this is by far the best option. No external integration, no hassle, everything within VICIDIAL. I am willing to donate $1 000 towards this feature but it seems that out of the THOUSANDS of users nobody else is willing to contribute anything. All it needs is 18 people contributing $1 000 for an incredible feature like this. I will rather spend this money than sit with the hassle with outside applications.
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Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:37 am

Oh yeah i read that thread also last night. I would be willing to donate if i had the money. Business is very bad right now. I hope i am able to donate in the beginning of next year.

Did you get the Limesurvey option working Trying?
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:48 am

I actually never got around to trying it out. However, there is a document in SVN Trunk where Matt explains the integration. He only added it very recently. Let us know if you get it right.
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SVN trunk

Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:29 am

How do i get into SVN trunk?
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:48 am

Download and install RapidSVN. (Just google it). Then export svn:// to your pc. The Limesurvey instructions are inside the "documents" section.
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:04 am

I hope Matt does not swear me but here it is:

LIME SURVEY and ViciDial

We've been asked about Lime Survey( integration with ViciDial several times so here is a little summary of how you install it as well as how you can get it to work with Vicidial.

We recommend creating a LimeSurvey Survey for each campaign and adding a "question" that will store the lead ID or phone number. For example, we will use the code LEADID to the survey and then we will send those variables using the web form in the agent interface using the following for the web form address:
VARhttp://SERVER/limesurvey/index.php?s ... umber--B--
(example: http://SERVER/limesurvey/index.php?sid= ... 3125551212)
37487 is the survey ID
1 is the question group ID
5 is the question ID (phone number)
3125551212 is a phone number

More information here: ... survey_URL


cd /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
wget ... 907.tar.gz
gunzip limesurvey185plus-build7593-20090907.tar.gz
tar xvf limesurvey185plus-build7593-20090907.tar
rm -f limesurvey185plus-build7593-20090907.tar

vi config.php
* change variable to fit
database = limedb
user = limedbuser
password = limedbpw

create database limedb;
create user limedbuser;
create user limedbuser@localhost;
set password for limedbuser = PASSWORD('limedbpw');
set password for limedbuser@localhost = PASSWORD('limedbpw');
grant all on limedb.* to 'limedbuser';
grant all on limedb.* to 'limedbuser'@'localhost';


* delete the admin install directory
rm -fr admin/install/

Go to adm web page:

Add a user: (vicidial/1234/ViciDial User)
Add a group: (ViciDial agent group)
Add a survey: ViciDial test Survey
Add question group: ViciDial general questions
Add a question:

For more information read the online manual: ... LimeSurvey
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Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:14 am

Thanks mate. This looks quite challenging. I am an not a total IT nitwit but this looks fairly complex but i will give it a try. Saves me the time of installing SVN.


How do you use VICIdial then? I can't imagine how you can do a callcenterproject without custom fields.
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:20 am

I am not using it. We are using another system because without the additional fields and QC functions it is not practical for us. :(
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not using

Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:32 am

Ahaaaa. Well thats the same for us then. We use a licensed system that we have to pay for every month but it is simply tapi based dialing and can't do a lot of the wonderful things vicidial can do.

I really going to take a look on how to get the limesurvey thing to work. Did you ever work with Vtiger? I have experience with SugarCRM but i think that application is too slow to be used for an outbound campaign.
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Postby Trying » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:47 am

Nope. Never used either. Well, please let us know how it turns out with Limesurvey.
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Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:03 am

i'll let you know. Maybe i'll try Vtiger as well. I think that integration with Vtiger is easier.
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Postby mflorell » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:14 am

Limesurvey and Vtiger are about the same difficulty to set up, but what gives Limesurvey setup a bit more of a challenge is that you actually have to create a survey to see how everything works, whereas Vtiger has defaults out of the box and you can see it work right away.
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Postby dspaan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:27 pm

Matt, can Livesurvey and Vicidial reside on the same server or would you advise separate servers?
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Postby mflorell » Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:38 pm

They can live on the same server without any issues.
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VICIbox integration

Postby dspaan » Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:17 pm

Hi Matt,

Wouldn't it be brilliant to integrate Limesurvey with VICIbox so everything can be installed with one simple ISO?
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Postby mflorell » Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:42 pm

Have to talk to Mike about that one...

But installing LimeSurvey is actually pretty easy.
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Postby williamconley » Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:52 pm

if it's that easy ... couldn't it be a downloadable script (two lines to enter ... one to download the install script and one to activate it ...). After all, the environment in Vicibox immediately after installation is fairly stable so an immediately script download/run ...
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Postby collectorcc1 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:36 am

"cd /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/"

Folder doesn't exists in VicidialNOW 2.0.5
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Postby gardo » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:56 am

It's under "/var/www/html/" in VicidialNOW.

collectorcc1 wrote:"cd /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/"

Folder doesn't exists in VicidialNOW 2.0.5
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