Searcing Custom Fields

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Searcing Custom Fields

Postby theprofoundgeek » Wed May 30, 2012 1:39 am

So I am trying to apply lead search on Custom Fields. Has anybody done that before or is it in the development pipe line? What are the possible challenges with this?

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Re: Searcing Custom Fields

Postby mflorell » Wed May 30, 2012 8:33 am

That is not a current feature of Vicidial, and it is not in the development pipeline.

If you could provide details about exactly what you are wanting to do we can tell you what would be involved in adding it.
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Re: Searcing Custom Fields

Postby amjohnson » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:36 pm

I built a custom application for my needs to search custom fields. The problem is each custom field on a list has the potential to be different as the names of the custom fields become the column name in the custom database. As well as there is a separate custom database for each list so if you have multiple lists, by state for instance, you either have to search one at a time. I would also recommend setting up a slave database to search your custom fields as if you are just looking for a string inside of a field it usually causes a table scan which is very hard on the database.

Like Matt said it depends on your custom fields setup and what you need to search for but it can be done.
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